Welcome to Seidi Suurmets as Postdoc in the Department of Marketing


It is with pleasure that we announce that Dr. Seidi Suurmets has joined the Department of Marketing at Copenhagen Business School. She is our new Postdoc in Neuromarketing. 

ssuSeidi Suurmets has joined the Department of Marketing at Copenhagen Business School. She is our new Postdoc in Neuromarketing. Seidi was awarded the PhD in 2019 from Copenhagen Business School. Her PhD thesis focused on the field of consumer neuroscience. Her research investigates how contextual cues influence consumers' visual attention and cognitive and affective responses to marketing stimuli. Methodologically, Sedi's approach involves combining traditional methods with eye tracking, electroencephalography (EEG), and other biometric techniques.

Over the last years, she has been involved in developing and teaching courses primarily related to our university's Minor in Behavioral Neuroscience and Economics, but she also teaches and supervises students in other areas of consumer research and marketing. 

Welcome, Seidi. We look forward to welcoming and working with you!

The page was last edited by: Department of Marketing // 01/25/2024