CBS receives award for responsible management

CBS has received an Award for "Excellence in Reporting" at the Global Forum’s meeting in New York last week. Only six schools (out of 600 signatories) have received this distinction and that is a very welcome reinforcement of CBS’ front-runner position in terms of implementing the PRME principles.


Since 2008, CBS has worked strategically with the multiple ways in which CBS strives to promote responsible management (PRME). At the 2015 Global Forum for Responsible Management Education last week, CBS received recognition for their excellent efforts in reporting.

CBS received the report because of the following reasons:
Copenhagen Business School's report exemplifies thoughtful impact assessment and reflection of its PRME-related activities, with accompanying examples and indicators effectively highlighted throughout the report. Particularly noteworthy about this report is how it engages a wide range of stakeholders. Quotes and contact information of the individuals involved in various activities are listed throughout the report, demonstrating how the SIP is used both for internal and external purposes.

The five other award recipients include: Hanken School of Economics, Reykjavík University, Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle, Haas School of Business - UC Berkeley, and Kedge Business School.

The international recognition of CBS is a reflection of CBS’ leadership on responsible management education and thus of the individual effort of the over 160 VIP and TAP staff across all CBS departments who are all mentioned in the report.

See link to report here

Previous news feature on the report

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The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017