Gender on market conditions: Money, PR and reputation

Winners of SPRØK’s essay competition have been chosen. The award ceremony takes place on April 15, at 11.40 am


Gender on market conditions: Money, PR and reputation

Winners of SPRØK’s essay competition have been chosen

The winners of the SPRØK (BLC) essay competition 2005, which was organised in connection with the course “Comparative Cultural and Societal Analysis”, have been chosen. The award ceremony will take place on Friday, April 15.

The ceremony will be opened by a guest lecture about the essays' topic “gender (in)equality”. Center Director Elisabeth Møller Jensen from KVINFO (the sponsor of the essay competition this year) will open the ceremony with a guest lecture entitled "Køn på markedsvilår: Om penge, PR og prestige". The lecture and the award ceremony will start on April 15, 11.40 h at SP S 14 (Solbjerg Plads). By the way: The winner essay will be published in KVINFO’s net journal and on the SPRØK (BLC) study’s homepage.

I herby would like to invite all interested students and faculty to this event.

Best wishes

Associate Professor Karl-Heinz Pogner (course coordinator)

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/12/2012