Cooperation on IT expertise

CBS, and the IT University of Copenhagen develops new course


When the first class of students at the IT University of Copenhagen in September start the course ”Juridiske forhold ved opstart af it-virksomhed” (Legal conditions when starting an IT company), it will be with legal expertise from CBS and the business portal

Insight into legal and financial aspects

The idea of the course is to give IT students insight into those legal and financial aspects that are necessary when you are considering starting your own company. We have seen great interest in the course, which already has 15 participants, says Søren Sandfeld from CBS, who is in charge of the course. He continues, “During the course, we combine traditional teaching with practical cases. And here is a suited portal since it gives a nice overview and quick access to the many legal information that you need as an entrepreneur. This goes hand in hand with our teaching which to a high degree takes place in the “machine room” and in an online environment where the single student will have an active role,” he ends.


The new course is offered by the IT University of Copenhagen in cooperation with the Law Department at CBS. First course starts 1 September 2005.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/05/2005