The new EU public procurement directives

European research conference arranged by The Law Department

Thursday, November 4, 2004 - 10:00 to Friday, November 5, 2004 - 16:10

The Law Department of Copenhagen Business School invites you

to a European research conference on The new EU public procurement directives.

With a view to gathering academics and practitioners within the field of EU Procurement Law, the Law Department of Copenhagen Business School invites you to participate in a European research conference on the regulation of public procurement in the EU. The purpose of the conference is to discuss public procurement regulation, disseminate information about ongoing research projects and to provide a forum for meeting other researchers and practitioners within the field.

The conference will focus on some of the most relevant topics of the European legal framework for public and utilities procurement. The main themes are: the new Public Procurement Directive (2004/18/EC), electronic auctions, transparency requirements, competitive dialogue, labour law aspects of public procurement, green procurement, recent trends in the case law of the European Court of Justice, framework agreements, the new Utilities Directive (2004/17/EC), and Public Private Partnerships, partnering and concessions.

Who should participate?

The conference is intended for researchers, academics and practitioners within the area of EU procurement law.

More information and registration on

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