Popper vs. Kuhn
- Reflexivity in the understanding of science
In connection with the Danish publishing of professor Steve Fuller’s book “Kuhn vs Popper: The Struggle for the Soul of Science” Mr. Fuller visits CBS and delivers a lecture on the central topics covered in the book:
Key problems in the contemporary debate in the sociology of sciences
The concept of social epistemology
The arrangement will be followed by a small reception.
Registration please apply by e-mail to
About the speaker
Steve Fuller is professor of sociology at University of Warwick, UK, and has during the latest 15 years been a very active and a major player in the debates of sociology of sciences. Mr. Fuller has written 8 books and published several journal articles.
The seminar is the 3rd seminar in the series on Methodology and Reflexivity in Social Science. The research group Management of Innovation and Knowledge (MINK) at Dept. of Management, Politics & Philosophy arranges the seminar series.