Live interview with Arla about organizing for transformative innovation

April 18, 11.30-12.30, CBS Kilen

What challenges do companies face when organizing for transformative innovation?

In recent years, actors from all parts of society have paid much attention to transformative innovation, understood here as innovation activities that directly address Grand Challenges, such as climate change, inequality, world hunger, and so on. However, it is less discussed what organizing for transformative innovation entails, and which challenges companies encounter when implementing transformative initiatives.

In this live interview we address the organizational challenges of transformative innovation. To focus our debate, we will center on transformative innovation in the food industry with a special focus on Arla. We explore the organizational challenges from transformative innovation in the food industry, how Arla navigate these challenges, and where we need to do more to move on, in both research and practice.

This round table is organized by a group of scholars from the Department of Organization at CBS who has conducted a strategic local initiative called ORGTI (Organizing for Transformative Innovation).


  • Jane Bjørn Vedel, Associate Professor in Organization Theory and Innovation, CBS
  • Jacob Hasselbalch, Associate Professor in Political Economy and Sustainability, CBS
  • Vera Simoneit, PhD Fellow, CBS
  • Henrik Jørgen Andersen, Executive R&D Advisor, Arla



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