
  • 12.12.2005

    Mention spécial

    Kai Hockerts' paper has been awarded a 'mention spécial'
  • 09.12.2005

    Research Award

    Paper by Kai Hockerts has been awarded a "mention spécial" by the jury of the 2005 Research Award in Finance and Sustainable Development
  • 16.11.2005

    Accepted paper

    Paper on "CSR as an Act of Strategic Ambiguity" has been accepted for the 4th EABIS Colloquium
  • 16.11.2005

    New member of committee

    Mette Morsing has been invited to become a member of the Scientific Committee of the Foundation of Corporate Social Responsibiilty
  • 28.10.2005

    CSR in Scandinavia

    On October 27 CVR hosted the workshop "Towards Exploration of CSR in Scandinavia"
