Mention spécial

Kai Hockerts' paper has been awarded a 'mention spécial'


2005 Research Award in Finance and Sustainable Development Confers ‘Mention Spécial’ to Kai Hockerts


The jury for the “Prix 2005 de la Recherche en Finance et Développement Durable“ (2005 Research Award in Finance and Sustainable Development) has selected the following paper for a “Mention Spécial” (runner up) in the category of best published research article: 

Kai Hockerts and Lance Moir: "Communicating Responsibility to Investors: the Changing Role of the Investor Relations Function," Journal of Business Ethics, no 52, 2004.

The award has been initiated by the “Forum pour l’Investissement Responsible” (FIR) to encourage research in the area of finance and sustainable development.

Source: Le Monde, 6 Dec 2005.

Biographic Information: 
has joined CBS in August 2005 as Associate Professor. He is affiliated with the Center for Corporate Values and Responsibility (CVR), where he collaborates with Mette Morsing on studying the Scandinavian Model for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the assessment of Social Entrepreneurship as an emerging concept. Kai has received his Ph.D. in Management from the University St. Gallen. He has held prior positions at INSEAD (Fontainebleau) and Ecobilan (Paris). 

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/13/2005