Flexible E-MBA class of 2011 graduates

The Flexible Executive MBA class started their journey in the fall of 2011. Two years and many assignments, study hours and projects later, the class has reached the finish line and is ready to throw their hats in the air.


Flexible Executive MBA class of 2011 graduates

On Saturday 2 November, 33 freshly baked graduates dressed up in gowns and hats, celebrating that they had made it to the end of the challenging CBS Executive MBA journey. This group of senior executives have worked closely together over the past two years, successfully getting through assignments, exams and projects applicable to their own organisations. In addition to meeting at the CBS executive building every other Friday and Saturday, they have also explored global business practices and expanded their horizons through study tours to the US and China as part of the courses in International Marketing and Supply Chain Management.

"I have gained the most fantastic network"

Jacob Reifling, Partner at Thorngaard Reifling A/S, is one of the graduates who has spend the past two years studying intensely in order to be able to add the MBA designation to his name.

“The feeling of having passed the finish line is hard to describe," he reflects, "For me it, represents the realisation of a professional and personal dream which was once so distant but now, after 25 months of hard work, rigorous scheduling and meticulous time management, a reality. Having worked in that intense manner, continuously bridging between theory and real-life action, provides an ultimate feeling of professional and personal readiness. And, as icing on the cake, I have gained the most fantastic network of senior executives! In sum, the CBS E-MBA experience has been an inspiring and challenging journey, fortunately mixed with solid understanding and support from family friends. Now it is time to give back.”

To get an idea of how Jacob Reifling managed to structure his daily life to make room for high-level executive education, view the interview in DJØF from October 2012 here.

We wish all of our graduates the best of luck implementing their new E-MBA skillset and look forward to following them on their continued journey to excellence!


The page was last edited by: Executive MBA // 04/04/2022