CBS 2012: More students, more researchers, and more teaching

CBS has published the annual report for 2012


In 2012, CBS enrolled more students, appointed more researchers and made sure that the students received more lessons. The increased level of activities means that CBS will spend the equity in the years to come

  • The result of the year was a profit of DKK 4 million. CBS has thus met the goal of spending the annual income on activities during the year, which is very gratifying. In the next years, CBS budgets for a deficit due to an increased activity level.
  • Recruitment of academic staff was increased by 19 per cent from 2009 to 2012. In 2012, the number of academic staff members increased by 12 per cent to 690 jobs.  This recruitment will continue in 2013. In 2012, CBS boosted the PhD schools with 45 new scholarships, and CBS is now the home of 258 PhD students.
  • CBS has more students and degree programmes than ever before. Since 208, CBS has increased the enrolment in the undergraduate programmes by 13 per cent and 24 per cent in the graduate programmes. In overall terms, CBS had 19.999 students at the end of 2012, distributed on all programmes.
  • The number of lessons was increased by 2,500, which is 2 per cent more per student.
  • In 2012, CBS increased externally funded research by 14 per cent. More than DKK 171 million were won in competitions and earmarked for research projects in the future.
  • CBS also decided to launch two new Business in Society platforms within entrepreneurship and competitiveness to begin in 2013. The platforms are interdisciplinary units that underpins CBS' strategy Business in Society. The new BiS platforms will be number three and four.

For more information, please contact Peter Jonasson Pedersen, University Director, at or Mikael Koldby, Public Relations Officer, at

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 07/11/2023