Discuss fundamental HR questions

Does an organisation perform better through control of the employees or confidence in them doing their job? Denmark's largest HRM conference will attempt to answer this fundamental question through key notes and presentations from a wide array of speakers.


Should employees in the public sector be given free hands to solve tasks? Does trust impact the bottom line? Are control and top-down management stressful to employees? These questions and many more will be discussed at an HRM conference at the beginning of September. The main theme of the conference is the dilemma between trust and control.

Cranet is a collaboration between 40 universities and business schools, of which the purpose is to study and evaluate Human Resource Management strategy and practice in more than 50 countries.

The conference features numerous key note speakers, among them Jan Molin, CBS' Dean of Education, and Niels Duedahl, CEO of Danish power company Syd Energi, who was Business Leader of the Year in 2013.

Meet former Netflix Chief Talent Officer
One of the last speakers of the day is Patty McCord, who was Chief Talent Officer at the American streaming service Netflix from 1998-2013. With Reed Hastings, Creator of Netflix, she made a PowerPoint presentation which explains Netflix' core values by describing specifically what the company expects from its employees - instead of using long-winded words.

The presentation has been seen more than 9 million times on the internet and Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO, calls the presentation one of the most important documents ever to come out of Silicon Valley.

New research results
The conference will also feature a presentation of results from the Cranet study, which is an essential part of the Cranet network's tasks. The study will feel the pulse of Human Resource Management in Danish companies, and the results will be analysed in the next two years and ultimately be compared to results from other countries.

CBS Executive, the Network Of Corporate Academies (NOCA), and CBS are the forces behind the conference.

Read more about the conference

The Cranet 2014 Conference takes place Thursday 9 September from 9:00-16:00 at the Kiln Hall at Porcelænshaven, CBS.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 27/04/2017