CBS in April

What is the role of tech giants in the future? How can Danish companies create sustainable development in South America? Drop by CBS and get the answers. You can also attend an information meeting about the new Master of Business Development or attend Bachelor Open Day.



The Danish Science Festival at CBS

20-26 April at Copenhagen Business School

At the Danish Science Festival, you can meet Google’s government relations manager Christina Sørensen, tech-professor at CBS Mikkel Flyverbom and the deputy tech-ambassador at the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nikolaj Juncher Wædegaard in a debate about the role and responsibility of tech giants in our society on Friday 20 April. Thursday 25 April PhD student at CBS Juan Giraldo will take the audience on an educational journey into a universe of technology and talk about how blockchain is going to change our future. More information will follow.

Read about the event Meet the tech-professor, the techplomacy and the Public Affairs Manager at Google

Note that the event will be in danish


Sustainability Chile
Foto: Shutterstock

Sustainable development in Latin America through the Confederation of Danish Industry’s social initiatives

11 April 2018 9:50-12:45
Solbjerg Plads 3, SP205, 2000 Frederiksberg

Be there when CBS and the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) shed light on the collaboration with the Pacific Alliance; Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. The seminar is concerned with sustainable development through social programmes established by Danish companies. Among others, CBS Associate Professor Jacobo Ramirez and ambassadors from the Latin American countries give presentations, and Arla talks about its development programmes.

Register here by sending an e-mail to Zartashia Ahmed

Read about the seminar and the programme for the day here



Participate in a workshop about blogging and social media

18 April 2018 14:00-16:00, Dalgas Have 15
DH 2V.070, 2000 Frederiksberg

How do you adapt complex texts to blogs and social media? Attend a workshop with Lauren McCarthy from Royal Holloway University of London and Joachim Marc Christensen, Communications Manager at Sustainia. They will educate the participants in “dos” and “don’ts” and present the advantages of a tweet, post or blog.  

Read more here

Register here by sending an email to Levinia Scotti



Foto: Jakob Boserup

Attend Open Day if you consider applying for a bachelor programme at CBS

18. april 2018 16:00-20:30
Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg

In April, CBS holds the last of two Open Day events this year (February and April), where you as a future bachelor student can come and get more information about the different programmes. Open Days are a great opportunity for those who want to know more about academia as well as social life at CBS.  You can meet study guidance counsellors and students.

Read more here



Berlingske Business and CBS celebrate 100 new talents

19. april 2018 16:30 – 19:00
Porcelænshaven 20, Kiln Hall, 2000 Frederiksberg

Every year, Berlingske Business brings attention to new, young talents within the business world, and for the second time, CBS hosts a conference to celebrate a select group of 100 talents. You will get the opportunity to meet the talents and obtain insight into how the previous talents are doing. The people you will meet include CEO of Pandora Anders Colding Friis and Denmark’s youngest mayor Christina Krzyrosiak Hansen.

Read more here

Register here


carbon accounting

Foto: Shutterstock

Attend a research seminar on reliable sustainability measures

11. april 2018  12:30-13:30
Solbjerg Plads 3, D2.20, 2000 Frederiksberg

How do you ensure that sustainability measures are correct and valid, and which instruments are most effective for measuring CO2 emissions? Associate Professor Ebba Sjögren from Stockholm Business School is dedicated to study this, and her results will be presented on 11 April.

Read more about the seminar here



Do you want to study an executive master?

11. april – 18. april 2018
Dalgas Have 15, 2000 Frederiksberg

Whether you are a specialist, manager or future CEO of a private or public company or organisation, CBS has a research-based executive master programme to match your professional ambitions. A number of the programmes hold information meetings in April where you can meet lecturers and students and learn more about how an executive master programme can strengthen your career and workplace.

• Master of Business Development (MBD) is a new flexible executive master programme for those who want to obtain skills useful for improving your company’s business processes. Come to an information meeting on 12 April at 08.30, Dalgas Have 15, 2000 Frederiksberg.
Register for the information meeting

• Master of Public Governance (MPG) is for you who want to strengthen your professional and personal development as manager in the public sector with a two-year long class-based programme or a flexible programme. Come to an information meeting on 18 April at 17.00, Dalgas Have 15, 2000 Frederiksberg, room SV089.
Register for the meeting

• Master in Tax (MAS) is a flexible programme for those who work with taxes in Denmark in both the private and public sector. Come to an information meeting on 11 April at 16.30, Dalgas Have 15, room SV071.
Register for the information meeting


PhD defences

Iwona Sulinska - Complexities of Social Capital in Boards of Directors

Fredag d. 6. april 2018 13:00-15:00
Porcelænshaven 26, PH407, 2000 Frederiksberg

Cecilie Fanøe Petersen - Award of Public Contracts as a Means to Conferring State Aid: A Legal Analysis of the Interface Between Public Procurement Law and State Aid Law

Mandag d. 9. april 2018 13:00-15:00
Solbjerg Plads 33, SP112, 2000 Frederiksberg

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 08/10/2019