CSE November Start-up Hackathon

Are you a student who wants to get hands-on experience in the start-up space and connect with smart and passionate founders? You’ve come to the right place!

Lørdag, 3 november, 2018 - 10:00 to 17:00

On Saturday 3 November, we’re hosting our next Start-up Hackathon event, an opportunity for students interested in entrepreneurship to boost their business development skills and get involved in groundbreaking start-ups.

Your benefits:
-        Hands-on business development experience
-        Networking opportunities to get involved with start-ups
-        Rapid learning about business ideation tools
-        Food (lunch, snacks) and drinks (including beers) are provided

Overview of the day:
-        Ideation warm-up: hacking your creativity and strategic thinking
-        Pitches from 5 start-ups with concrete business challenges
-        Transforming your business: reverse engineering the business model
-        From innovation to market: how start-ups get there.
-        Networking

Please be aware that places for this event are limited. We will confirm your place by Friday 26 October at the latest.

Sign up for the event here 

We’re also looking for 5 start-ups to take part in this workshop! If you’re an entrepreneur in need of help for your business challenge, e-mail Rosie from CSE at rc.edu@cbs.dk for more information.  

Location: Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship, Level 2, Porcelænshaven 26, 2000 Frederiksberg, Frederiksberg, Denmark


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/09/2020