Opening of Center for Corporate Governance
In recent years corporate governance has become an important topic for business throughout the world following increasing investor activism, internationalisation of stock markets, the spread of corporate governance codes and large public scandals.
Corporate governance can be defined as the control and direction of companies by ownership, boards, incentives and other mechanisms.
16:00-16:10 Welcome
by President Finn Junge-Jensen, CBS
“Trends in UK and US Corporate Governance”
Professor Igor Filatotchev, King’s College London
A leading scholar in international corporate governance
“Danish Corporate Governance – where are we now?”
Lars Nørby Johansen, CEO of Group4 Securicor, Chairman of the Nørby Committee which issued the Danish Corporate Governance code and currently chairman of the committee revising the code. Chairman of the advisory board at the Center for Corporate Governance
17:10 -17:30
“Ideas behind the Center for Corporate Governance”
Professor Steen Thomsen, Copenhagen Business School. Chief architect and director of the center
17:30- Reception
Online Registration
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