100 years of...

Deltag i rækken af jubilæumsforedrag med nuværende og tidligere CBS forskere. For at fejre, at biblioteket nu kan kalde sig en hundredårig (centenarian), har vi bedt flere CBS'ere holde oplæg om deres forskningsområde ud fra et historisk perspektiv. Du har derfor mulighed for at få indblik i CBS' klassiske forskningsområder i løbet af 2022.


Nu har du chancen for at få indsigt i klassiske CBS-discipliner. Som en del af vores 100-års fejring afholder vi en række foredrag af rutinerede CBS-forskere, som vil fortælle om deres særlige ekspertise i en historisk kontekst. Vi kalder det 100 Years of...jubilæumsserien.

Alle foredrag er gratis og foregår i CBS Library Forum mellem 15:00-16:00. Du finder CBS Library Forum i underetagen på biblioteket på Solbjerg Plads.

Dato Emne

21. april

From Old School Personnel Administration to Strategic Human Resource Management (HRM)

A century ago a tiny, growing interest in workplace issues was seen, albeit with a narrow focus on safety, accidents etc. Later came half a century of unfolded personnel administration, still with a narrow focus on people issues. However, a radical and all-encompassing paradigm shift came around 1990 with the introduction of HRM: a strategic management discipline, merging the development of people, jobs, leadership processes and organizations.

Prof. emeritus Henrik Holt Larsen

19. maj  

Organization Theory and the Introduction of the Human Factor at CBS

The phenomenon of organization has existed since the origin of mankind, and written proverbs concerning leadership and administration go back more than 4000 years.  Abstractly, organizations share fundamental qualities, like structure, division of labor, coordination, and collaboration. However, the ways in which such qualities materialize in practice, and the ways in which we think and theorize about how and why they materialize in specific cases, have changed over time and from context to context. In his talk, Kristian Kreiner will focus on the history of a human-centered organization theory which was introduced at CBS in the early 1950s. Its origins and subsequent development will testify to the ongoing intellectual strife between the CBS discipline.

Prof. emeritus Kristian Kreiner

29. september 

100 Years of Co-Existence of Law and Economics

In this talk, Henrik Lando, will take a historical view of how legal understanding has informed economic and how economic understanding has informed legal in the last hundred years at CBS.

NY TID: 16:15 - 17:15

Prof. Henrik Lando

13. oktober

100 Years of Marketing


A short talk about how we used the CBS Library and online resources to create an overview of 35 years (not a 100 though…) of brand management for our textbook on Brand Management. There will be an introduction to the book and the data applied.


Link to publicationHeding, T., Knudtzen, C. F., & Bjerre, M. (2020). Brand management : Mastering research, theory and practice. (3. ed.). Routledge.


Assoc. Prof. Mogens Bjerre & Teaching Assoc. Prof. Tilde Heding
27. oktober

Business (Schools) and Foreign Languages – a Match Made in H…

In her talk, Mette Skovgaard Andersen will shine a historic light on the place and role of foreign language education at Copenhagen Business School over its 100-year existence.

The talk will zoom in on selected stages in the development of CBS, from its inception as a separate school of commerce in 1917, to its 2017 anniversary, and through these discuss the role of foreign language education in a CBS self-understanding.

For context, the talk will also look beyond Denmark to Business Universities in other countries and include a discussion of the development of foreign language education in traditional universities.

Mette Skovgaard Andersen will wrap up her talk with an attempt at an outline of a future for foreign language education.

Head of NCFF Mette Skovgaard Andersen

15. november

Tour de ‘One Hundred Years of Management.’

Good management is the glue of trust, meaning, motivation and effectiveness in all organizations. But how has management developed over years and where is management heading? In his talk, Flemming Poulfelt will take us on a trip down the managerial memory lane and have a look of the past, present and future of management.

Prof. emeritus Flemming Poulfelt

24. november

Macroeconomic Policies in Denmark: A Historical Perspective

This talk first reviews some key trends in the Danish economy over the last four decades. Emphasis is laid on major reforms that have led to a state of macroeconomic stability and sustainability in Denmark. This is followed by some international perspectives, including factors that have made Denmark a role model in terms of striking a balance between economic prosperity and the distribution of income and wealth. Finally, some challenges faced by the modern Danish economy are discussed, including labour supply, taxation, climate, pensions, globalization, regulation, etc

Prof. Svend E. Hougaard Jensen

1. december

Diversity & Inclusive Leadership

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) have fast become an important strategic priority in many organisations, and many organisations are coming to the realisation that inclusion and having an inclusive culture is the key to ensuring that the diverse talent in organisations are valued, respected and appreciated. However, what is diversity? And why do we need diversity in organisations? And what is the role of inclusion and an inclusive culture? In this talk, Sara Louise Muhr will explore the breadth of diversity and its intersectionality, along with an appreciation of the role of bias in nurturing an inclusive organisational culture for diverse talent.

Prof. Sara Louise Muhr


Sidst opdateret: CBS Library // 06/10/2022