
Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • Centre for Business History
  • Entrepreneurship, Ethics & Leadership Unit
Per H.
Dr. phil. et merc.

Kontor: POR/18.B-2.137
, Mobil:
+45 30341462
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I have been professor of business history at Copenhagen Business School since 2002. Since my student years in the 1980s, I have focused on economic and financial history of the 19th and 20th centuries with a special interest in financial crises and the role of banks and central banks in the interwar period as a time of significant uncertainty and transformation. Over time my approach has developed from economic history into a broader contextual view of the role of business, finance and financiers in society. My thinking has shifted towards a more culturally based understanding of finance and the economy in history. In particular, I have contributed to introducing narrative and cultural approaches in my field. In addition to financial history, I have published on the business history of Danish modern furniture design. Today, I am interested in how institutions, culture, business and the economy interact, and how societal crises and periods of radical uncertainty contribute to transformations of capitalism and within different fields.

n 2020 and 2021, I was a member of the Independent Research Fund Denmark | Humanities, and I was president of the US-based Business History Conference from 2013-2014. I have given keynote talks and won several prizes for my research, most recently the 2018 Hagley Prize for the best book in Business History. I was a visiting scholar at Rutgers University (1997-1998), UC Berkeley (2004-2005), Harvard Business School (fall semester 2005) and Stern School of Business, NYU (spring semesters 2009 and 2011), where I have also taught several courses. Over the years, I have written more than 100 articles for Danish national newspapers, appeared on television and radio numerous times, and contributed to a number of podcasts.

Primære forskningsområder
  • Business history
  • Financial history
  • Economic history
  • Design history



Curriculum Vitae
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Mandatory course:
Finance and Financial Institutions in Society. Globe, B.Sc.

Elective course:
Finansielle kriser og virksomhedskrak. HD-Finansiering

Andre undervisningsaktiviteter

I have also been teaching courses on:

  • Contextual branding, M.Sc. elective
  • Financial Crises, M.Sc. elective
  • Business History, B.Sc. mandatory and elective
Udvalgte publikationer
  • På glidebanen til den bitre ende. Dansk bankvæsen i krise, 1920-1933, Odense 1996 (disp.) (On Route to Disaster. Danish Banking in Crisis, 1920-1933)
  • Da sparekassernes mistede deres uskyld. En historie om sparekasser og samfund i opbrud, 1965-1990, Odense 2001 (When the savings banks lost their innocence. A history of savings banks and society under change)
  • Den Danske Bank, København 1997 (A History of Danske Bank)
  • “Making Sense of Financial Crisis and Scandal. A Danish Bank Failure in the Era of Finance Capitalism." Forthcoming in Enterprise & Society 2012
  • 40) ”Cooperate or Free-Ride? The Scandinavian Central Banks, Bank for International Settlements, and the Austrian Financial Crisis of 1931.” Scandinavian Journal of History, vol. 37 no. 1, 2012, pp. 87-107.
Publikationer sorteret efter:
Per H. Hansen / Danske Bank : Bankens historie gennem 150 år.
1red. : Strandberg Publishing 2024, 220 s.
Per H. Hansen / Danske Bank : A History of the Bank Through 150 Years.
1red. : Strandberg Publishing 2024, 219 s.
Per H. Hansen / Søren Mørch 2. december 1933 - 24. januar 2024
I: Historisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 124, Nr. 2, 2024, s. 500-506
Per H. Hansen / There Will Be the Devil to Pay : Central Bankers, Uncertainty and Sensemaking in the European Financial Crisis of 1931.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2024, 522 s. (Studies in Macroeconomic History)
Bog > peer review
Per H. Hansen / The Banks Did It: An Anatomy of the Financial Crisis. By Neil Fligstein
I: Business History Review, Vol. 95, Nr. 3, 2021, s. 620-622
Per H. Hansen / Danske Bank, 1871-2021 : Herre eller tjener?.
I: Finans/Invest, Nr. 6, 12.2021, s. 4-10
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Per H. Hansen / Når banker producerer og bruger historie : Danske Bank i 150 år.
I: Finans/Invest, Nr. 5, 10.2021, s. 5-13
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Per H. Hansen / En lys og lykkelig fremtid : Historien om FDB-møbler.øbenhavn : Strandberg Publishing 2020, 280 s.
Per H. Hansen / The First History of Our Financial Crisis
I: Business History Review, Vol. 93, Nr. 1, 1.2019, s. 161-171
Per H. Hansen / Danish Modern Furniture 1930-2016 : The Rise, Decline and Re-emergence of a Cultural Market Category.
Odense : Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2018, 510 s.
Doktordisputats > peer review
Flere resultater ...(i alt 62 )
  • Danske Bank, 2022-24: Using history in organization, manuscript
  • CBS Executive, 2022-23: Lectures
  • Danske Bank, seminar for private banking customers, 2018: Lecture on financial stability and crises in historical perspective
  • Lærernes Pension, annual meeting, 2019: Lecture on financial stability and crises in historical perspective