Len Seabrooke publishes in Public Administration

Len Seabrooke has published, with André Broome from the University of Warwick, an article from the EC FP7 GR:EEN project in Public Administration titled "Shaping Policy Curves: Cognitive Authority in Transnational Capacity Building"


Public Administration

Len Seabrooke has published, with André Broome from the University of Warwick, an article from the EC FP7 GR:EEN project in Public Administration titled "Shaping Policy Curves: Cognitive Authority in Transnational Capacity Building".

The abstract follows:

International organizations (IOs) such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bankare assumed to rely on ‘sympathetic interlocutors’ at the national level to drive through economicreforms that conform to global policy norms. In this article we answer the following question: Howdo sympathetic interlocutors for IOs emerge in the first place? We address this question by examin-ing how IOs engage in teaching norms to national officials via transnational policy training in orderto increase the number of domestic reformers who are sympathetic to their prescriptions for pol-icy change. We provide a conceptual framework for understanding how IOs seek to use their owncognitive authority to foster ‘diagnostic coordination’ across technocratic economic policy commu-nities. This encourages officials to adapt to a common policy language and delimits the policy spacewithin which they identify and propose solutions to economic problems.

Link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/padm.12179/abstract


Sidst opdateret: Department of Business and Politics // 08/10/2019