Article by visiting professor John L. Campbell given the AOM decade award

Article given the decade award by the Academy of Management


John Campbell

Article by John L. Campell given the AOM decade award

John L. Campbell article “Why would corporations behave in socially responsible ways? an institutional theory of corporate social responsibility” has been awarded the “2017 Best Decade Award” by the Academy of Management (AOM) at their recent annual meeting. The award is given to the most cited article in the last decade.

In the article John L. Campbell offers an institutional theory of corporate social responsibility consisting of a series of propositions specifying the conditions under which corporations are likely to behave in socially responsible ways. He argues that the relationship between basic economic conditions and corporate behavior is mediated by several institutional conditions: public and private regulation, the presence of nongovernmental and other independent organizations that monitor corporate behavior, institutionalized norms regarding appropriate corporate behavior, associative behavior among corporations themselves, and organized dialogues among corporations and their stakeholders.


Campbell, John L.: Why would corporations behave in socially responsible ways? an institutional theory of corporate social responsibility, 946-967 in Academy of Management Review July 1, 2007 vol. 32 no. 3. doi: 10.5465/AMR.2007.25275684


Sidst opdateret: Department of Business and Politics // 08/10/2019