CBS in 2017: Graduates find jobs fast

CBS has now published the annual report for 2017. It has been a stable year with the same enrolment level, little fewer researchers, significant reaccreditations - and not least - CBS’ centenary.



CBS has reviewed the previous year in the now available Annual Report 2017. It has been an
eventful and festive year. CBS marked its centenary at a number of academic and festive centenary events.

Read CBS’ Annual Report 2017

CBS’ graduates have been highly valued by the labour market in 2017. In spite of an extraordinarily high number of graduates from CBS in 2016, they landed jobs quickly after graduation. Graduate unemployment in 2017 was significantly lower for CBS graduates in 2017 (7.1%) than the average for other universities, university colleges and business academies (9.7%). CBS’ graduates primarily land jobs in the private sector (85.6%). These numbers are a result of CBS’ focus on employment forecasts for students and CBS’ relevance to society.

The result for 2017 is a profit of DKK 26 million. CBS thus had an equity of DKK 299 million at the end of 2017. This leaves scope for focusing on the quality of research and education. The CBS Senior Management has decided to apply the excess equity gradually on a moderate and temporary investment in faculty recruitment over a shorter span of years. This means a little more researchers per student, and the investment will therefore also contribute to programme quality.  

Highlights in 2017:

- Three new Business in Society platforms have been funded for a five-year period: The Diversity and Difference platform, the Technology, data and knowledge in the digital age platform and the Inequality platform.

- The overall budget allocated for academic staff will increase in 2018 by DKK 14 million compared to the 2017 level.

- The number of full-time academic equivalents has decreased from 2016 to 2017 - a consequence of CBS’ cost-cutting plan from 2015.

- A new Master in Business Development has been added to the executive master programme portfolio. More than 100 have signed up.

- CBS’ enrolment is stable. CBS annually admits around 2,500 new students into the bachelor programmes, while around 3,300 are admitted into the master programmes. The entry requirements, however, are increasing steadily.

- With the renewal of the AACSB accreditation, CBS may still refer to itself as holder of a Triple Crown accreditation which only 1% of the world’s business schools holds.

Development contract
- Out of 14 objectives which CBS has established with the Ministry of Higher Education and Science in the development contract, 10 have been met. The remaining objectives are so close to be met that CBS is very satisfied with the result.

For more information about the annual report, please contact: CBS Communications

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/08/2019