
Securing a healthy life cycle of digital healthcare 

The use of digital healthcare devices is booming. This may be good news for patients, but less encouraging to the environment and the consumption of rare raw materials. New CBS research plans to help deal with this challenge.

Artificial Intelligence is not magic

All of us ought to take a look around inside the engine room of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in order to understand the technology behind it. AI has enormous potential, and we need humans to give it instructions. Meet researcher Sine Zambach from Copenhagen Business School (CBS). She is a hardcore computer scientist, but also concerned with getting all of us more interested in IT, and she offers good advice on how to get better acquainted with AI technology.

Groceries: Why you are not likely to see a big price drop

Inflation is down as is a number of expenses in the grocery supply chain, and yet, you should not hold your breath as you wait for the great offers to arrive. Because the Danish convenience goods industry is in a special predicament, says researcher.

Entrepreneurship and leadership: From dancer to director

Entrepreneurs have previously tended to downgrade the connection between good leadership and the chance of success, which is why Copenhagen Business School (CBS) in collaboration with the Industry Foundation now offer a special leadership development programme.

Prestigious award for CBS researchers: How cities attract foreign investment

CBS researchers win prestigious award for their research on what characterizes global cities that have a solid foundation for attracting international investments. Copenhagen is one such global city and the research can inspire cities and companies to enhance their position in the global and local competition for international investments.

World’s largest coal exporting nation needs to switch to green energy

The tourist paradise Indonesia is also the world’s greatest exporter of coal and a major contributor to the emission of greenhouse gases. The country is aiming to reduce its carbon emissions drastically before 2030, but they are stuck in a black energy trap. Copenhagen Business School will examine their energy sector and contribute to the green transition.
