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Collaboration with industry within applied IT and communications technologies is strengthened


Collaboration with industry within applied IT and communications technologies is strengthened

CBS Center for Applied ICT is starting up due to a research grant of over DKK 70,000, 20,000 of which has already been secured towards research over the next 3-4 years. The newly established center, directed by Jan Damsgaard, collaborates at home and abroad with, among others, Microsoft, IBM, SAP, ARLA, Heineken, United Paper Mill (Finland), DR, Dagbladet Børsen and Forbrugerstyrelsen.

“Nowadays collaboration with industry is either sporadic or very close collaboration on common projects. This center offers the possibility of finding a middle way – longer-lasting association without it being formalized as a project. This is common practice in the States where research centers often collaborate with 20-50 companies who have access to researchers and research results at the center”, Director of Center, Jan Damsgaard says.

From ERP to advanced mobile services

Core research right now consists of 4 large projects: 3gERP, ITAIDE, eSANGATHAN and DREAMS – contents of which span from development of a better base for future ERP to development of advanced mobile services via large scale testing.

The center is the brainchild of Professor Jan Damsgaard (Director of Center), Professor Niels Bjørn-Andersen, Professor Janni Nielsen and Associate Professor Leif Bloch Rasmussen and is expected to employ 20 people by the end of 2007.

The center is located independently but in connection to the existing Department of Informatics, however center management will refer to the new Dean of Research at CBS.

Creation of centers such as this is a typical organisational construction at CBS – in order to facilitate particular areas, covered by considerable external co-financing.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 08/13/2007