Eye-to-IT - Kick-off seminar

Sofia, Bulgaria - January / February 2006



The Eye-to-IT kick-off seminar will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria from 31 January to 3 February 2006. The seminar is organised by Prof. Maxin Stamenov, NewBulgariaUniversity.


Outline programme:

- Day 1:

Tutorial and discussion of lexical access and sentence processing in psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics;

2. Tutorial and discussion of electronic dictionaries for translation

- Day 2:

1. A tutorial and discussion of Translog;

2. A tutorial and discussion of iDict.

- Day 3:

1. Tutorial and discussion of the application of EEG equipment to the study of lexical access and sentence processing;

2. A tutorial on eye tracking and use of Tobii eye tracker.

- Day 4:

1. General discussion of interfacing between the tools and technologies to be used, as well as of databases, software and vocabularies to be used and/or developed;

2. General discussion about the components of the project and the stages of realization of the research and application program, as well as organizational and managerial issues.

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