Can you call water pumped meat “naturally marinated”?

Viktor Smith receives 8 millions to finance research.


Can you call water pumped meat “naturally marinated”?

Can you sell “Provence Ham” from Jutland with a picture of the French landscape and a Danish flag? Viktor Smith, working with a handful of collaborators, receives DKK 8 million for research on developing a new reference frame for governments, companies and consumers to guide consumers while supporting the food industry’s production of healthy and tasty products.

A symphony of words, text and images

70% of our food purchases are doe with a decision time of 12 seconds. We are bombarded with words, images and text.

“This project is directed at creating a new collaboration of language, cognition, psycholinguistics, perception, knowledge-management and more” Viktor Smith explains.

Actual cases of misrepresentation

The project looks at actual cases of misrepresentation and will test different consumer groups by showing them alternative packaging designs in neutral environments, like a supermarket.

This research is done to support ability of the Danish food industry to compete internationally.

External collaborators

The Danish Board of Consumers, Denmark’s active consumers, Arla, Lantmännen, Schulstad, SuperGros and Toms.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 08/13/2007