Department of International Economics, Government and Business

My teaching and research activities are in the intersection of political economy, sinology, and management studies with a geographic focus on China. My research engages themes of business and government in China, and the processes and politics of Chinese economic reform. A major stream of research concerns reforms, ownership, and corporate governance of the Chinese state-owned enterprises. A newer set of projects examine state-owned capital funds, Party organization in the business sector, state-led green transition, and the financialization of economic governance in China.
Additionally, I assist in coordinating and contributing research to the "China Horizons - Dealing with a Resurgent China" (DWARC) project, a three-year research initiative (2022 - 2025) funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe funding program. You can find more information about the project at
- Business and government in China
- Chinese state-owned enterprises
- State capitalism
- Political economy of development
- Ownership and corporate governance
China and the Global Economy, BSc in Business, Asian Language and Culture
Research Methods I: Introduction and Qualitative Methods, BSc in Business, Asian Language and Culture
Emerging Economies: Societies in Transition, BSc in Business, Asian Language and Culture
Internationalisering uden for Europa og kvalitativ metode, HA i Europæisk Business
- BSc in Business, Asian Language and Culture - International Business in Asia
- BSc in International Business and Politics
- Various HD programs
- Sino-Danish Center
Teaching at the Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research in Beijing, master in Public Management and Social Development.
In: Business and Policy Challenges of Global Uncertainty: European Perspectives. . ed. /Torben J Andersen; Edward Ashbee; Bent Petersen. London : World Scientific 2025
In: Regulation & Governance, 21.8.2024
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2024, 12 p. (Policy Brief / China Horizons)
In: China Journal, Vol. 89, No. 1, 2023, p. 129-131
In: Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 32, No. 140, 3.2023, p. 264-279
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2023, 15 p. (Policy Brief / China Horizons)
Frederiksberg 2023, 11 p. (Policy Brief / China Horizons)
In: Journal of Chinese Political Science, Vol. 28, No. 2, 6.2023, p. 273-299
In: China Quarterly, Vol. 250, 6.2022, p. 486-508
In: Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 39, No. 2, 12.2021, p. 53-76
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2021, 244 p. (PhD Series, No. 13.2021)
In: Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2018, p. 130-136
Frederiksberg : China Horizons 2024
Frederiksberg : China Horizons 2023
Frederiksberg : China Horizons 2023
DI: Europas fremtid afhænger af højere ambitioner for forskningen og Danmark bør gå forrest
Kinas digitale forspring udstiller Europas fodslæberi
Danmark strammer forskningssamarbejdet med Kina - men straffer vi mest af alt os selv?
Hvidvask for millioner: Hovedmistænkt sendte levende mink fra Billund til Kina
Svensk batteriproducent ramt af problemer med kinesisk udstyr
Dyb krise hos svensk batterigigant kædes sammen med kinesisk udstyr
TV 2 News Nyhederne 29.01.2024 19:20
Kina spreder sin valuta som forsikringsplan mod sanktioner fra USA
Ikonisk dansk tegnestue dropper Kinasats efter ni år
Flere projekter får tegnestue til at åbne endnu et kontor i Kina
Da de tog teknologien fra Putin, måtte han bygge missiler af vaskemaskiner: Nu kommer turen til Kina
Kinas byggefirmaer døjer stadig med tårnhøj gæld: “Største økonomiske krise i mange årtier
Ascension - dokumentarfilm og debat med forskere om det moderne, kapitalistiske Kina
Kinesisk regulering rammer elbilmarked
Kinesisk reglering bromsar elbilsmarknadens tillväxt i landet
Statslig regulering kan blive et problem for elbilmarkedet i Kina
2018-2021: No outside activities to report
2022: Copenhagen University, External Examiner - Grading master’s thesis at China Studies
2022: NEXT Gymnasium - Giving a lecture
2023: No outside activities to report
2024: No outside activities to report