The official Danish business register. CVR contains annual reports, information about people involved in business, and information about ownership.


The official Danish business register. CVR contains annual reports, information about people involved in business, and information about ownership.

CVR contents

CVR is the official Danish business register. You can look up company information, including CVR numbers, contact details, business types etc.
Navigation and headings are in English, but you should expect a lot of Danish-language content.

All registered Danish companies are required by law to submit annual reports and other filings to the Danish Business Authority (Erhvervsstyrelsen). The information submitted is available from the CVR database. You will find annual reports from the mid-1990s - the present.


CVR facts

Coverage All registered Danish companies
Geography Denmark
Provider Erhvervsstyrelsen (The Danish Business Authority)


The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 04/02/2024