New CBS fulltime MBA class starts

...and attracts already successful entrepreneurial students to its ranks


Pictured in the center are Professor Majken Schultz (Associate Dean of the CBS Fulltime MBA program) and Jørgen Tang-Jensen (CEO of VELUX and Ambassador to the CBS Fulltime MBA class).

New CBS fulltime MBA class starts this week and attracts already successful entrepreneurial students to its ranks

In keeping with its past successes, Copenhagen Business School’s (CBS) fulltime MBA program has once again attracted a sizable contingent of international students to its ranks. 89% of the current CBS fulltime MBA class, which starts this week, come from 15 different countries with the majority coming from Europe and Asia. Women make up 34% of the new class.

This is in keeping with the main focus of the CBS fulltime MBA program. As Professor Majken Schultz, Associate Dean of the CBS fulltime MBA program explains, “the one-year full-time MBA at Copenhagen Business School attracts talented professionals from around the globe to Denmark for an intensive and collaborative learning experience. The foundation of our program is based on Scandinavian thinking and is International in outlook. The program is characterized by trust, teamwork and respect for the individual.”

“During the MBA, participants get a chance to explore the Scandinavian leadership approach and work with successful executives and professionals as mentors and coaches. Participants learn to master the business essentials through the core courses; the leadership discovery process takes you on a journey of personal and professional development while the entrepreneurship component develops your capacity for creative thinking and identifying business opportunities,” Majken Schultz added.

Strong entrepreneurial component

Entrepreneurship has been a deeply ingrained portion of the CBS fulltime MBA program for years and CBS is proud to announce that the CBS fulltime MBA program has again attracted a high calibre of already successful entrepreneurial students.

Javier Morales, for example, grew up poor in his native Puerto Rico. Javier however became very successful selling leather goods. Javier, in fact, became so successful that after two years he had enough money to start college in New York (USA). During his time in New York, he co-founded POZ magazine, a ground-breaking consumer health magazine for people impacted by HIV. The ad revenue from POZ helped pay for the dissemination of life saving information on available HIV treatments at a time when information was scarce.

In 1998 Javier launched Christopher & Castro, Inc. a marketing enterprise where he also started designing leather accessories for men. Javier has also played a crucial fundraising role in the restoration of a historic building in Pennsylvania USA and has planned and executed fund raising events for such non-profit groups as the American Foundation for AIDS Research, a breast cancer foundation (MAMM), the Latino Commission on AIDS, Aid for AIDS, and the Pediatrics AIDS Foundation. Javier has also volunteered in a mentoring program designed by the Big Brothers of New York City (USA).

Javier is joined by fellow student and Icelander Hlynur Sigurdsson who has a background in political science which he used to launch his own business in television three years ago. His TV station shows real estate for sale 24 hours a day and works with the largest real estate website in Iceland. Hlynur Sigurdsson says that, “in my opinion, it is very important to seek MBA studies abroad to broaden the horizon, keep up with ever changing business environment and make an international network. All of which are essential when working in business.”

Norwegian Julie Fjeldsted has a background as a journalist for various Norwegian papers including Morgenbladet and Dagbladet. It was during the three years that Julie Fjeldsted spent at the Kaospilot school working to reclaim and restore Sarajevo’s bombed youth house that her entrepreneurial flame began to strongly take hold. The time in Bosnia inspired Julie Fjeldsted to start up MOLIM (, a clothing label designed by young designers in Scandinavia and produced by the women in Srebrenica.

Norwegian Espen Welin-Larsen discovered, while studying European law after his bachelor in business administration, a passion for gourmet cooking which he parlayed into a successful business as a Management Manager and Consultant to the catering and restaurant sector. Espen Welin-Larsen is a Master Chef and Sommelier.

For more information

These are just a few of the talented students who began the CBS fulltime MBA program on Monday, 10 September 2007. At CBS, we believe that the synergy between these entrepreneurial spirits and the CBS fulltime MBA program’s strong entrepreneurial focus will not only benefit each but will also be strongly advantageous to the other fulltime MBS students.

For more information about the program or the students, please contact Connie Tai, MBA Director at +45 3815 3005 or by e-mail:

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 01/10/2007