Design Dimensions: Searching for Design Attitude

In recent years, design is seen both as a way of thinking as well as a profession characterized by certain processes and methods. Based on his new book ‘Design Attitude’ Kamil Michlewski will introduce his studies of design culture and discuss with a panel how this culture and attitude is best implemented in businesses and organisations.

Fredag, 25 september, 2015 - 14:30 to 17:00

In recent years, design is seen both as a way of thinking as well as a profession characterized by certain processes and methods. Based on his new book ‘Design Attitude’ Kamil Michlewski will introduce his studies of design culture and discuss with a panel how this culture and attitude is best implemented in businesses and organisations.

Based on his new book Design Attitude (Gower 2015), researcher, consultant and author Kamil Michlewski will introduce his studies of design culture and designers impact on companies and organizations. Since Kamil comes from a management and not a design background, he brings a different perspective to the area of Design Thinking as well as an alternative view on the sources of success and competitive advantage of companies where design plays a leading role.

Kamil’s presentation will invite the audience as well as the panel to discuss how the professional design culture and attitude is best implemented in businesses and organisations. Panelists are Mads Kjøller Damkjær from PA Consulting Group and Julie Serritslev from Leo Pharma, who will contribute with insights from their everyday lives.

The event is free and open to everyone. Sign up here.

14:30 Welcome
Christian Bason, CEO, Danish Design Centre

14:45 Design Attitude: Inside the culture of designers
Dr. Kamil Michlewski, brand strategy and innovation consultant, researcher and author of the new book ‘Design Attitude’ (Gower 2015).

In his Ph.D. thesis from 2006 Kamil Michlewski explored the methods and professional culture of designers through case studies in a series of well-known design companies such as Philips Design, Frog and Wolff Ollins. For the last 10 years Kamil has advised companies such as Sony, Orange, Nestlé and Visa on design and innovation. Kamil will in his presentation describe the characteristics of five design attitudes and initiate a dialogue on the designers’ unique professional practice.

15:15 Dialogue and reflection among participants

15:30 Q & A with Kamil Michlewski

15:45 Panel Discussion
Mads Kjøller Damkjær, Head of Nordic Innovation Services i PA Consulting Group, former partner in the design company Goodmorning Technology.
Will talk about the efforts to bring design and technology closer together as a driver of innovation.

Julie Serritslev, Head of Department Early Pipeline and Innovation Centre at Leo Pharma.
Will talk about how a pharmaceutical company moves toward a new future-oriented mindset with a broad user orientation. What challenges a research-based organization encounter in the transformation, and what process canensure that the culture of the whole organization is transformed in the right direction.

16:25 Closing remarks
Christian Bason, CEO, Danish Design Centre

16:30 Drinks and network

17:00 Have a nice weekend!

Read more about Kamil Michlewski and ‘Design Attitude’.


About the seminar series ‘Design Dimensions’

The concept of design has in recent years expanded dramatically. Not only shoes and spoons, but also computer programs, welfare, urban planning, marketing, policy and behaviour are designed today. Beside the traditional design of physical objects, we have intellectual design, service design and experience design. And both public and private organizations use design processes to renew themselves and their products.

Design as a concept has become so wide that it threatens to include everything except nature. But does all that people lay their hands on, automatically become design? Based on these reflections, Copenhagen Business School, Design Museum Denmark, Danish Design Centre and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Design will host four seminars that in different ways challenge, clarifies and looks at the future role and status of design.

This seminar is the third in the series. The first two seminars were held in Danish.

Sidst opdateret: Department of Business Humanities and Law // 01/09/2015