Sammenlign bacheloruddannelser

Nedenfor kan du lave en sammenligning mellem forskellige bacheloruddannelser, så du kan spore dig ind på, hvilket studium der er mest relevant og interessant for dig.

BSc in International Business and Politics

Number of students per year126
Male / female60%/40%
Average age21,4
International students44%
Exchange option5th semester
Internship option5th semester
Teaching languageEnglish
Master programmeMSc in International Business and Politics


Grade point average for entry2024: 10,6
Grade point average for standbyNo standby
Number of places150
Quota 1 / quota 260%/40%
Motivational EssayYes - see Quota 1 and 2 under Admission
History or social studiesB

BSc in International Business

Number of students per year213
Male / female66%/34%
Average age21,6
International students31%
Exchange option5th semester
Internship option5th semester
Special programme optionsGlobal Supply Chain Management
Teaching languageEnglish
Master programmeCand.merc./MSc in Economics and Business – General Management and Analytics


Grade point average for entry2024: 11.1
Grade point average for standbyNo standby
Number of places240
Quota 1 / quota 260%/40%
Motivational EssayYes - see Selection quotas under Admission
History or social studiesB

BSc in Business, Language and Culture

Number of students per year118
Male / female36%/64%
Average age21,6
International students47%
Exchange option5th semester
Internship optionNo
Teaching languageEnglish
Other teaching languagesSpanish, French or German
Master programmeMSc in Business, Language and Culture (2 concentrations)


Grade point average for entry2023: 7,8
Grade point average for standbyNo standby
Number of places130
Quota 1 / quota 270%/30%
Motivational EssayYes - see Selection quotas under Admission
History or social studiesB
2nd foreign language

If German: German at Intermediate Level B with min. 6.0 or Beginner’s Level A with mini. 6.0.

If French: French at Intermediate Level B with min. 6.0 or Beginner’s Level A with min. 6.0.

If Spanish: Spanish at Beginner’s Level A with min. 6.0.