The Department of Strategy and Innovation is to appoint Michael Moesgaard Andersen as adjunct professor

Start-up investor Michael Moesgaard Andersen is to be appointed adjunct professor at the Department of Strategy and Innovation at CBS. His inaugural lecture is taking place on 30 October in Frederiksberg.



Foto: Scanpix

The Department of Strategy and Innovation at CBS is appointing Michael Moesgaard Andersen as adjunct professor. Andersen is an experienced start-up investor and has through his venture company helped develop companies such as CBB Mobil, Configit and Konsolidator. According to one of the nominators, Professor Torben Pedersen, Department of Strategy and Innovation, Michael Moesgaard Andersen brings practical experience in innovation and strategy to the table as well as the ability to disseminate his experience and insight.

”We are appointing Michael Moesgaard Andersen as adjunct professor because he has demonstrated an ability to combine practical experience from the business community with scientific research and dissemination in the form of books, articles and lectures,” says Torben Pedersen. He continues:

”Michael Moesgaard Andersen’s focus is directly on strategy and innovation. He will be able to contribute to the promotion of new tools and methods. Andersen is already in the middle of a promising study on how, for instance, artificial intelligence can be used to gather knowledge of innovation from start-ups and how this can be applied in large, global companies. He has deep and present knowledge of what is going on in the start-up environments and how the current megatrends impact business, research and dissemination.”

Strategy – innovation – data-driven growth
Michael Moesgaard Andersen is a former adjunct professor at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy at CBS between 2009-2019. He is now taking on the position as adjunct professor at the Department of Strategy and Innovation where he will be giving his inaugural lecture on Wednesday 30 October under the headline: Strategy and innovation: How to accelerate growth in a data-driven world? (The lecture is in English).

Andersen will address the inner correlation between data-driven innovation and growth. Why do some companies have blind spots and die because of the lack of real innovation (Nokia, Blockbuster and Kodak) while others are basking in the new data-driven world (Google, Facebook, Tencent)? Together with new types of innovation, the data-driven development is an explosive situation which in future will increase the gap between winners and losers. Learn more about how growth in companies will increase significantly by means of data-driven innovation and replace randomised development. Is it, for instance, possible to blitzscale a company through new, data-driven platforms?

About Michael Moesgaard Andersen
Michael Moesgaard Andersen has worked as a public official at the Danish Ministry of Finance, been a partner at Deloitte and had his own consulting company before he established his venture company which has helped develop CBB Mobil, Configit, Konsolidator (listed), etc. Through his career, Andersen has been closely associated with the academic world as an external lecturer, speaker, external examiner, author and co-author of a number of books and articles. Andersen is also giving lectures at CBS Executive and is on the Board Faculty of the board programmes.

Click here to sign up for the inaugural lecture

For more information, please contact Department Secretary Mie M. Hegelund

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 03/10/2019