Nanna Mik-Meyer appointed as vice dean of research

CBS’ Senior Management has decided to set up a position as vice dean of research with particular focus on external funding. Søren Hvidkjær, Dean of Research, has appointed Professor with special responsibilities (WSR) Nanna Mik-Meyer for this position as of mid-October 2018.


Nanna Mik Meyer
Photo: Bjarke MacCarthy

Nanna Mik-Meyer will continue as Professor WSR at the Department of Organization, but she will step down from her position as member of the social science board of the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

Find more about Nanna Mik-Meyer here.
”I am truly looking forward to my new tasks as vice dean of research. I know that CBS is full of highly talented researchers, and I will be thrilled to help them on their way. Moreover, I am also looking forward to working with CBS at central and local level in order to ensure that external funding can be used in the strategic development of excellent research within our disciplines,” says Nanna Mik-Meyer.
Senior Management is pleased that Nanna Mik-Meyer has taken on the task of being vice dean of research. Her scholarly prominence and experience in the Independent Research Fund Denmark will be most valuable.

The position contains strategic as well as operational elements. She will assist in the strategic implementation of CBS’s action plan regarding external funding; engage with external funders as well as offering advice to researchers drafting applications. With Nanna Mik-Meyer as vice dean, CBS is concentrating its work to integrate strategically relevant external funding in the development of our university and its departments. Thus, dialogue with the departments will be key to Nanna’s work.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 08/10/2019