CBS is adjusting its programme portfolio

As a result of a strategic prioritisation, CBS will adjust its programme portfolio. The programmes will be altered towards an increased focus on business administration and digitalisation, and less on business languages.


In the coming year, CBS will  implement three new initiatives. The first initiative will be to stop enrolment in the programme BA in English and Organizational Communication. As a result, CBS will not be offering degrees in business language in the future.

“CBS has educated business-oriented language students for generations. But CBS research resources are limited, and we must consider carefully how we will spend those resources in the future. The consequence is that we can no longer offer research-based language programmes in the future. So this decision is a strategic one, brought on by limited resources”, says Jan Molin, Dean of Education at CBS.

CBS still supports the principle of grouping language programmes at the University of Copenhagen and Aarhus University.

New digitalisation programme
The second initiative is a new programme, which will focus on digitalisation. It will replace the Information Management programme, which falls within the business humanities field.

Digitalisation affects all CBS programmes, but this new programme will focus more clearly on the opportunities offered by digitalisation. The students enrolled in the programme will be combining knowledge on digitalisation with knowledge on organisation, society and communication in order to be able to explore and use the opportunities offered by digitalisation.

More business administration
Through the third initiative, CBS will transform the business language programmes into business administration programmes with an increased focus on marketing. This applies to the programme in Intercultural Market Communication, which will be changed from a Bachelor of Arts (BA) to a Bachelor of Science (BSc), while the master degree in International Business Communication will change from a Master of Arts (MA) to a Master of Science (MSc).

These changes entail that all CBS programmes will require  Mathematics  B in the future, as this is a requirement in many disciplines within the field of business administration.

CBS will continue to be a diverse business university where traditional business administration is combined and contextualised with various other fields: from mathematics and IT to psychology and philosophy.

“CBS will remain internationally known for its work within the business humanities, irrespective of whether we offer traditional language programmes”, says Jan Molin.

Currently enrolled students can continue their studies unaffectedly
The changes will not affect the current students.

“Obviously, students enrolled in the affected programmes will be entitled to complete their degree as planned with excellent lecturers”, says Jan Molin.

The establishment of new and altered programmes is subject to approval by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. We expect this to take place during the autumn semester. If so, the changes to the bachelor programmes will become effective at the beginning of the autumn semester 2018.

Read CBS’ strategy paper
For more information, please contact Wilbert van der Meer, Dean’s Office, Education.


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/09/2020