PhD defence: Lester Allan Lasrado

In order to obtain the PhD degree, Lester Allan Lasrado has submitted his thesis entitled: SET-THEORETIC APPROACH TO MATURITY MODELS

Onsdag, 16 maj, 2018 - 13:00 to 15:00
Despite being widely accepted and applied, maturity models in Information Systems (IS) have been criticized for the lack of theoretical grounding, methodological rigor, empirical validations, and ignorance of multiple and non-linear paths to maturity. This PhD thesis focuses on addressing these criticisms by incorporating recent developments in configuration theory, in particular application of set-theoretic approaches. The aim is to show the potential of employing a set-theoretic approach for maturity model research and empirically demonstrating equifinal paths to maturity. This thesis prescribes methodological guidelines consisting of detailed procedures to systematically apply set theoretic approaches for maturity model research and provides demonstrations of it application on three datasets.
Professor Ravi Vatrapu
Department of Digitalization
Copenhagen Business School
Professor Kim Normann Andersen
Department of Digitalization
Copenhagen Business School
Assessment Committee:
Associate professor Helle Zinner Henriksen (chair)
Department of Digitalization
Copenhagen Business School
Professor Doug Vogel
School of Management
Harbin Institute of Technology
Professor K.B. Akhilesh
Department of Management Studies
Indian Institute of Science
The Doctoral School of Business and Management will host a reception, which will take place immediately after the defence at Atrium, right outside the defence room.  

Organised by The Doctoral School of Business and Management
Date 16 May 2018
Time 13:00 - 15:00 PM

Copenhagen Business School

KIilevej 14A
2000 Frederiksberg



Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/09/2020