Driving Competitiveness Through Servitization, 2014-2018: Sharing the Knowledge

Tirsdag, 27 november, 2018 - 09:30 to 15:30


Join us in this seminar to learn about developing your competitiveness by extending your business model and developing your organization.

This seminar offers insights and learnings from the research project ‘Driving Competitiveness through Servitization’.

This seminar is aimed at practitioners who are moving towards, or already working within Servitization  as well as for anyone interested in the field. 

This seminar will adress the following:

Key findings in the project

Learnings from companies working with servitization

Strategic movements in the Danish servitization landscape 

Experiences and challenges with servitization  - and inspiration to take action and overcome the barriers


09:30 - 10:00  Coffee & registration

10:05 - 10:15  Welcome and introduction, Mads Lebech, CEO, The Danish Industry Foundation

10:15 - 10:45  Overview of project contributions: Professor Christer Karlsson, CBS

10:45 - 12:00  Working with servitization - Four cases in Danish industry

12:00 - 12:45  Stand-up lunch and networking

12:45 - 13:40  Servitization in Denmark: A survey of the landscape: Professor Juliana Hsuan, CBS

                       Concurrent knowledge development: Associate Professor Thomas Frandsen, CBS

13:45 - 14:30  Researchers and practitioners: Discussion on issues and challenges of servitization

14:30 - 15:00  Future directions for research and practice

15:00 - 15:30  A toast and networking

Read more and sign up here 

The seminar takes place Tuesday, 27 November at 9.30 -15.30 at CBS, Råvarebygningen (CBS Executive), Porcelænshaven 22. See more under Program and location in the Menu bar. 

This conference is organized by the research project 

Driving Competitiveness Through Servitization which is funded by the Danish Industry Foundation.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/09/2020