Department of Management, Society and Communication
- Centre for Business and Development Studies (CBDS)
Rune Møller Stahl is Assistant Professor in Political Economy at Copenhagen Business School.
His research is situated in the field of international political economy with a special focus on the history of economic ideas. His research agenda is centered on the way economic ideas gain influence in the wider policy world, and how relations of power, networks and social forces are shaping the way we conceive the economy. He is currently working on the historical roots of economic inequality and the relationship between democracy, capitalism and liberal governance.
- International Political Economy
- History of Economic Thought
- Capitalism and Democracy
- Economic Inequality
- European Political Economy
- Political Economy of Markets
- Globalization: practices, perspectives and ideologies
"Ruling the interregnum: Politics and ideology in nonhegemonic times." Politics & Society 47.3 (2019): 333-360.
"Economic liberalism and the state: dismantling the myth of naïve laissez-faire." New political economy 24.4 (2019): 473-486.
"From depoliticisation to dedemocratisation: revisiting the neoliberal turn in macroeconomics." New political economy 26.3 (2021): 406-421.
"Neoliberalism with Scandinavian characteristics: The slow formation of neoliberal common sense in Denmark." Capital & Class (2019).
"The economics of starvation: Laissez-faire ideology and famine in colonial India." Intellectual history of economic normativities. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2016. 169-184.
Paper presented at 65th ISA Annual Convention, 2024
I: Journal of Common Market Studies, 2.8.2024
I: New Political Economy, 26.8.2024
Paper presented at SASE 35th Annual Conference 2023, 2023
Paper presented at SASE 35th Annual Conference 2023, 2023
Paper presented at SASE 35th Annual Conference 2023, 2023
Paper presented at 29th International Conference of Europeanists, 2023
I: Report on Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy. red. /John Erik Fossum; Magdalena Góra. Oslo : Arena 2023, s. 91-104 (Universitetet i Oslo. ARENA - Centre for European Studies. Report, Nr. 7/23) (EU3D, Nr. 15)
Paper presented at SASE 34th Annual Conference 2022, 2022
I: Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory, Vol. 29, Nr. 3, 9.2022, s. 310-328
I: Comparative European Politics, Vol. 20, Nr. 6, 2022, 4 s., s. 627–630
København : Hans Reitzels Forlag 2022, 158 s.
I: Capital and Class, Vol. 46, Nr. 1, 3.2022, s. 95-114
I: Comparative European Politics, Vol. 20, Nr. 6, 12.2022, s. 709-730
I: The Oxford Handbook of Ordoliberalism. red. /Thomas Biebricher; Werner Bonefeld; Peter Nedergaard. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2022, s. 361-373
I: Competition & Change, Vol. 25, Nr. 3-4, 7.2021, s. 501-503
I: New Political Economy, Vol. 26, Nr. 3, 2021, s. 406-421
I: Jacobin Magazine, 13.10.2021
Paper presented at Rethinking Economic Policy, 2021
I: Constellations: an international journal of critical and democratic theory, Vol. 26, Nr. 4, 12.2019, s. 591-606
I: Økonomi på Tværs: Festskrift for Jesper Jespersen. . red. /Peter Nielsen; Torben Bech Dyrberg; Allan Dreyer Hansen. København : Frydenlund Academic 2019, s. 158-166
Paper presented at Movements and Morality, 2019
Paper presented at SASE 31st Annual Conference 2019, 2019
Paper presented at 13th Pan-European Conference on International Relations (EISA), 2019
I: Politics and Society, Vol. 47, Nr. 3, 9.2019, s. 333-360
I: New Political Economy, Vol. 24, Nr. 4, 3.4.2018, s. 473-486
Copenhagen : Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen 2018, 214 s. (Ph.d.-serien)
I: From Financial Crisis to Social Change: Towards Alternative Horizons. . red. /Torsten Geelan; Marcos González Hernando; Peter William Walsh. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan 2018, s. 171-195
Paper presented at 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, 2017
Paper presented at Progress in Political Economy, 2017, s. 27
Paper presented at A Great Transformation?, 2017, s. 13
Paper presented at 57th ISA Annual Convention 2016, 2016
I: The Intellectual History of Economic Normativities. red. /Mikkel Thorup. New York : Palgrave Macmillan 2016, s. 169-184
Paper presented at The Road to Global Inequality, 2016
Paper presented at Warwick 50th Anniversary Conference on New Directions in International Political Economy, 2015
Paper presented at After the Crisis? European Crises and Emerging Alternatives, 2015
I: Arbejderhistorie: tidskrift for historie, kultur og politik, Vol. 2, 2015, s. 178-179
I: Slagmark, Vol. 2016, Nr. 72, 10.6.2015, s. 165-170
Paper presented at Critical International and Political Studies Working Group, 2015
I: Kritisk Debat, Vol. 2014, Nr. Juni, 6.2014
I: Politik, Vol. 17, Nr. 2, 2014, s. 68-78, 95
Paper presented at Crisis and Social Change, 2014
Paper presented at Histories of Economic Thought, 2013
I: Oekonomi og Politik, Vol. 86, Nr. 3, 2013, s. 93-98
Paper presented at Beyond States and Markets: The Social Roots of the Global Political Economy, 2013
Paper presented at Poor Relief Through History, 2012
I: Venstrefløjens nye tænkere: - En introduktion. Aarhus : Forlaget Slagmark 2011
I: Information, 1.1.2025
I: Politiken, 17.12.2024, s. 6
I: Information, 13.7.2024, s. 18-19
I: Information, 7.11.2024
København : ATLAS 16.9.2024
: 11.11.2024
Brooklyn, NY : The Majority Report 2024
I: Politiken, 10.2.2024, s. 10
I: Politiken, 31.8.2024, s. 11
I: Information, 25.5.2024, s. 30
I: Information, 7.6.2024, s. 12-13
I: Politiken, 16.12.2023, s. 3
I: Information, Vol. Moderne Tider, 9.9.2023, s. 21
I: Information, 27.5.2023, s. 20
I: Information, 30.9.2023, s. 20
I: Eftertryk, 30.6.2023
I: Information, Vol. Moderne Tider, 17.6.2023, s. 22-23
I: Information, 29.4.2023, s. 20
: Centre for Business and Development Studies 24.4.2023
I: Jacobin Magazine, 12.11.2023
I: Information, 2023, s. 19
I: Altinget, 27.9.2023
I: Information, Vol. Moderne Tider, 16.12.2023, s. 27
I: Information, 28.4.2023, s. 14
København : Dagbladet Information 2022
I: Weekendavisen, 12.2.2021, s. 13
I: Politiken, 7.2.2021, s. 3
I: Politiken, 3.10.2021, s. 7
I: Politiken, 2.10.2021, s. 2
I: Ræson, 13.10.2020
I: Information, 4.12.2020, s. 42
I: Information, 19.6.2020, s. 4
København : 12.7.2020
I: Politologisk Årbog 2019-20. red. /Caroline Howard Grøn; Anders Høeg Lammers; Frederik Appel Olsen; Anne Sophie Thingsted. København : Djøf Forlag 2020, s. 47-51
I: Financial Times, 23.3.2020
I: Klassisk og moderne samfundsteori. red. /Heine Andersen; Lars Bo Kaspersen. København : Hans Reitzels Forlag 2020, s. 209-237
I: Altinget, 13.11.2019
I: Information, 22.2.2019, s. 15
I: Information, 28.9.2019
I: Information, 2019
I: Information, 1.6.2019
I: Information, 29.3.2019
I: Information, 22.3.2019, s. 6
I: Social Europe, 17.6.2019
I: Ræson, 2019
I: Ræson, 14.12.2019
København : 3.6.2019
I: Ræson, 19.5.2019
I: Information, 11.10.2019
I: Information, 23.11.2018
I: Information, 29.6.2018
I: Information, 9.3.2018
I: Ræson, 12.2018
I: Information, 31.8.2018
I: Information, 28.4.2018
I: Information, 23.3.2018
I: Politiken, 13.3.2018
I: Information, 3.4.2018
I: Ræson, 25.5.2018
I: Information, 30.11.2018
I: Information, 12.10.2018
Brooklyn, NY : Jacobin Press 14.10.2018
I: Information, 16.6.2017
I: Information, 9.2.2017
I: Information, 20.1.2017
I: Jacobin Magazine, 27.5.2017
I: Eftertryk, 1.5.2017
I: Information, 26.5.2017
I: Information, 30.9.2017
I: Information, 8.4.2017
I: Information, 28.5.2016, s. 18-19
I: Information, 28.4.2016
I: Information, 26.3.2016, s. 8-9
I: Jacobin, Vol. 2016, Nr. 23, 15.12.2016
I: Information, 12.11.2016
I: Politiken, 6.5.2015, s. 8
I: Jacobin Magazine, Vol. Summer 2015, Nr. 18, 3.7.2015
I: Information, 24.4.2015
I: Information, 27.3.2015
København : DENFRI 23.2.2015
I: Information, 6.3.2015
I: Jacobin Magazine, 4.8.2015
I: Information, 12.12.2014, s. 20
I: Information, 2014, s. 20
I: Information, 2.5.2014, s. 19
I: Politiken, 2.1.2014, s. 9-10
I: Information, 23.5.2014
I: Information, 4.4.2014, s. 18
I: Politiken, 16.11.2014, s. 12
I: Information, 14.3.2014, s. 19
I: Information, 10.10.2014, s. 20
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