Vice dean is to strengthen focus on learning

CBS has appointed a new vice dean who is to rethink teaching methods and application of learning technology.


Merge the latest teaching technologies with pedagogy and professional development - this is the task of Annemette Kjærgaard, CBS' new vice dean for learning as of 1 December and associate professor at CBS.

- CBS will use the best of new teaching methods made possible by the internet. It is a way of getting more value of the lessons offered at CBS and create new possibilities for activation of the students outside the classroom. Going through and repeating theory or difficult examples may for instance be taken outside the classroom to make room for more reflective dialogue, which is demanded by the students, says Jan Molin, Dean of Education at CBS. 

Annemette Kjærgaard is affiliated to the Department of Intercultural Communication and Management and has also conducted research at the Department of IT Management at CBS. She was also responsible for Project Student Life at CBS. Through comprehensive polls among former and current students, the project has retrieved knowledge about initiatives that underpin the learning and development of students.

Initiatives must be brought together
CBS has recently made an agreement with Coursera, the world's largest on-line portal for teaching at graduate level and has for several years tested new learning tools, such as simulations, games, video transmitted teaching, clickers and on-line platforms for academic discussions. According to Jan Molin, the new vice dean will bring together the initiatives within pedagogy and learning technology in order to really move the students.

- By appointing Annemette Kjærgaard, we ensure that there is a necessary managerial point of reference to implement new initiatives all over CBS, says Jan Molin.

The vice dean will report directly to the dean of education. Annemette Kjærgaard will continue to work with CBS' successful assistant professor programme and pedagogical development activities.

For more information, please contact Wilbert van der Meer, email:,or Annemette Kjærgaard email:

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 11/11/2013