The scent story: How the Centre came to be

Told in the tradition of Native-American Indian folk tale and by the use of scents by Joel Katz


At the launch of Imagine.. on September 29, 2004, Parfumier Joel Katz contributed with an excellent story. Told in the tradition of Native-American Indian folk tale and by the use of scents, Katz offered his version of “How the Centre Came to Life” - please see below for the full story.

The scent story: How the Centre came to be

By Joel Katz

“Once upon a time, in a land far to the north (smell 1)

Lived a wise squaw, a kind of medicine woman called Tee-pee Li-see (smell 2)

(reference to Lise Skov, co-founder of Imagine..)

And her husband, the brave warrior Sitting Boo (smell 3)

(reference to Brian Moeran, co-founder and Director of Imagine..)

Tee-Pee Li-see had magical powers which enabled her to communicate with spirits on a global network of universal strength. She was an expert on sending smoke signals far and wide.

Sitting Boo was trendy brave, interested in the creative industries of his people like tanning and pottery and story telling and barter.

The Great Sky Gods in the happy hunting ground sent out a lightning flash which portended wampum for global networks for creative industries (smell 4)

(reference to the President of CBS and Dean of the Faculty of Economics)

Teepee Lisee and Sitting Boo were more than interested. But they could not realize this great work alone. So they sought the aid of the most potent chiefs in the land.

The great chief Finn-Finn, Chief of all chiefs (smell 5)

(reference to Finn Junge-Jensen, President of CBS)

But he was difficult to encounter, as he always was off on tribal missions in far-away places.

And Old Stone Angle, Finn-Finn’s faithful helper (smell 6)

(reference to Ole Stenvinkel, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, CBS)

After much deliberation, and the intervention of Teepee Lisee’s magical invocations, the great chiefs decided to support the idea. To implement it, they established the infamous Gang of Four:

Pitter-patter Broad Beard, who played his sacred tom-tom all day long (smell 7)

(reference to Peter Maskell, Professor in IVS and members of Imagine.. steering committee)

Yes-man Beach-yard, who drew film-like cave-paintings in the grottos near the woods (smell 8)

(reference to Jesper Strandgaard, Associate Professor in IOA and members of Imagine.. steering committee)

Torn Bark, the slow and steady methodical warrior from the even farther north (smell 9)

(reference to Tore Kristensen, Professor in Marketing and members of the Imagine.. steering committee)

Together with Sitting Boo himself (smell 3)

The Gang of Four had many long pow-wows where their differences became erased. They discovered that although each had his own background, that their methods were quite alike. In concord, they formed a basis which Sitting Boo took with him, wrapped in a sacred bear-skin.

Sitting Boo presented his bear-skin to Teepee Lisee. They entered her wigwam with it, and under the light of the full moon, spent a night of conception. Magically, in the morning, Teepee Lisee emerged from the wigwam pregnant and gave birth to the infant Centre (scent 10)

On the three-score birthday of Sitting Boo, the Great Sky Gods accepted the existence of the infant Centre, giving their blessing in the form of perennial wampum. Fragrant Funding! Jumping Jeranimo!

And the Centre, and its tribal members, lived happily and fragrantly ever after.”

The launch of Imagine.. Wednesday 29th of September 2004 was a huge success with several prominent people from the creative industrial environment in Denmark and abroad attending.

Director of CBS Finn Junge-Jensen gave the official kick-off, and was followed by Jørgen Rosted, Director of FORA, who placed the Centre on the industrial and innovative map of Denmark. Ole Stenvinkel, Dean for the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, emphasized the need for further education and research within the creative industries.

Parfumier Joel Katz contributed with an excellent story. Told in the tradition of Native-American Indian folk tale and by the use of scents, Katz offered his version of “How the Centre Came to Life”.

Renowned economist, ProfessorRichardCaves continued with a sparkling speech on Creative Industries.

Finally, Brian Moeran, Director of the Centre wrapped up what was a splendid start for a Centre by unveiling the new name and brand of the centre “IMAGINE. Creative Industries Research – Global Perspectives”.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 06/12/2004