
Institut for Strategi og Innovation

Dr. merc, PhD

Kontor: KIL/14.A-3.77

Peter Maskell is professor in Business Economic at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Department of Innovation and Strategy. He graduated in Natural Science, earned his Cultural Geography, both at Copenhagen University, and based on research on regional development theory and research in new firm formation, respectively, he obtained at Copenhagen Business School a Ph.D. in 1983 and in 1992 a Dr.Merc. doctorate (i.e. a second doctoral degree obtained by mature researchers on the basis of a dissertation documenting outstanding and original research). He was invited in 2001 to become member of the Academia Europaea (an award granted to individuals demonstrating "sustained academic excellence"). In 2023 he was conferred an honorary doctorate - Doctor philosophiae honoris causa – by Uppsala University, Sweden.

He has published extensively in the fields of Economic Geography, Market Organization and International Business. His current research focuses on competitiveness, knowledge creation and the organization of economic activities across firms and space. He is a Clarivate Highly Cited Scholar with Google Scholar cites exceeding 25,000, Scopus 8,800 and Publons/WoS 6,100. He has been honored as CBS "Teacher of the Year’ and has initiated or co-initiated and managed several graduate study programs while successfully supervising or co-supervising nineteen PhD students.

Peter Maskell has an extended track record in academic leadership including, among many others, serving as chair of the national Social Science Research Council, and as chair of the Governing Board of the EU's Network of Excellence including +60 universities and +250 scholars doing research on the Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe (DIME). He is co-founder and for more than a decade director of DRUID – among the world's premier academic conferences on innovation and the dynamics of structural, institutional and geographical change. He has served on several international research advisory committees and is a current member of the Swedish Royal Society of Sciences.

Maskell's long standing collaborative engagement with business has focused on inter-firm collaboration, make-or-buy strategizing and knowledge formation in several industries including creative professions and construction. He has been heavily engaged in work on infrastructure improvement, physical planning and urban renewal projects at national and local levels. He has served as journal editor in these fields and as member of the board of directors of significant market players. He has been engaged in enhancing efficient and environmentally sustainable transport systems as chairman of the board of directors of a major commercial port and while chairing the board of directors of the related national trade association.

He has continuously rendered advice to policy makers in government and international bodies as member of numerous white-paper committees and as chair of governmental commissions preparing new legislation.

Peter Maskell was knighted by Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark in 2019

Sociale medier
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Publikationer sorteret efter:
Anders Malmberg; Bo Malmberg; Peter Maskell / Corrigendum to: Population Age Structure : An Underlying Driver of National, Regional and Urban Economic Development.
I: ZFW - Advances in Economic Geography, Vol. 68, Nr. 1, 5.2024, s. 79
Kommentar/debat > peer review
Anders Malmberg; Bo Malmberg; Peter Maskell / Population Age Structure : An Underlying Driver of National, Regional and Urban Economic Development.
I: ZFW - Advances in Economic Geography, Vol. 67, Nr. 4, 12.2023, s. 217-233
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Peter Maskell; Rikke Søgaard Berth; Jens Bødtcher-Hansen; Bjørn B. Christiansen; Carsten Greve; Pernille Wegener Jessen; Michael Svane / Ekspertudvalget om Havneloven : Anbefalinger.
København : Transport-, Bygnings- og Boligministeriet 2018, 23 s.
Peter Maskell; Anders Malmberg / Heikki Eskelinen : A Localized Learner with a Global Outlook.
I: Aluetutkimuksen kymmenottelija: Heikki Eskelisen juhlakirja. . red. /Matti Frisch; Timo Hirvonen; Petri Kahila. Joensuu : Kirjokansi 2016, s. 71-77
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Peter Maskell / Accessing Remote Knowledge : The Roles of Trade Fairs, Pipelines, Crowdsourcing and Listening Posts.
I: Temporary Knowledge Ecologies: The Rise of Trade Fairs in the Asia-Pacific Region. . red. /Harald Bathelt; Gang Zeng. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2015, s. 19–41
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Hans Müller Pedersen; Ruth Lauridsen; Mogens Schrøder Bech; Katherine Richardson; Rune Møller Jensen; Jesper Bernhardt; Per Winther Christensen; Jenny N. Braat; Niels Tolstrup; Jakob Svane; Martin Peter Næsby; Per Højbjerre; Britta Gammelgaard; Peter Nielsen; Birgit Kjærside Storm; Jørgen Riis Jepsen; Ingrid Marie Vincent Andersen; Peter Maskell / Tværgående maritim forskning og samarbejde
Faglig redegørelse
Peter Maskell / Accessing Remote Knowledge : The Roles of Trade Fairs, Pipelines, Crowdsourcing and Listening Posts.
I: Journal of Economic Geography, Vol. 14, Nr. 5, 2014, s. 883-902
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Peter Maskell / Ny anvendelse af forstædernes industriarealer
I: Fremtidens Forstæder. red. /Kim Dirckinck-Holmfeld; Svend Erik Rolandsen; Astrid Bruus Thomsen. : Realdania Byg 2013, s. 132-157
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Anders Malmberg; Peter Maskell / An Evolutionary Approach to Localized Learning and Spatial Clustering
I: The Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography. red. /Ron Boschma; Ron Martin. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2010, s. 391-405
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Peter Maskell; Anders Malmberg / Localised Learning and Industrial Competitiveness
I: Learning by Populations of Organizations: Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. . red. /William H. Starbuck; Suzanne G. Tilleman. Vol. III, Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2009, s. 406-424 (The International Library of Critical Writings on Business and Management, Nr. 9)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
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Year Name of contractual partner Type of activity
2018 - 2019 Ministry of Transport Chairman of Expert Committee for revision of current Port Legislation 2017-2018, followed by related consultative activities for the Ministry of Transport 2018-2019
2010 - 2022 Danmarks Statistik, Forskningsudvalg Scientific and operational advice.
2010 - 2022 Videnskabernes Selskab, Nationalkomiteen for Geografi Scientific and operational advice.
2023 - 2024 Danmark Statistik Research Committee Member