
Institut for Regnskab

Ekstern lektor

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Presentation and academic fields
I have been working as an auditor for 12 years in Deloitte/PWC. Today I work on my second year as a Finance & Internal Control and Compliance Manager in a listed company within shipping.
I am currently responsible for: 
 - Ensuring that the accounting treatment in form of recognition, measurement and presentation of all financial lease, derivatives and tax activities in the Group comply with IFRS. 
- Ensuring that the annual reports regarding the Danish subsidiaries are prepared in accordance with DK GAAP (ÅRL) and reported to the Danish Business Authorities. 
- Helping with the preparation of the annual reports regarding the Singaporean subsidiaries are prepared in accordance with SGP GAAP (FRS).
- Ensuring that the DK joint-taxation scheme is prepared and filed to the Danish Tax Authorities. 
- Ensuring that the Group audit and audit of the DK subsidiaries runs accordingly to plan, and quality ensuring the documentation which is provided to the auditors.  
- Contributing to improving/optimizing our workflows and documentation thereof, regarding all relevant accounting areas. 
- Ensure onsite controlling visits of our subsidiaries. 
- Solving different ad hoc projects in our organization, which are linked with finance. 
Key competencies:
DK GAAP & IFRS Accounting 
Professional and/or academic experience
I have been a co-author on the following articles:
o “CSR: Nye regler til rapportering vedrørende blandt andet miljøforhold, sociale forhold og antikorruption”.
o ”Implementering af ny revisionspåtegning – hvad har resultatet for regnskabssæsonen 2016 været, og skaber den mere værdi?”.
o ”Koncernrevision”.
o ”Næste skridt i udviklingen af revisionspåtegninger herunder Key Audit Matters i Danmark”.
o ”Udtalelse om virksomhedssammenslutninger fra Erhvervsstyrelsen”.
o ”Vederlag til ledelsesmedlemmer i børsnoterede selskaber og det reviderede direktiv for aktionærrettigheder”.
o ”Praktiske udfordringer og overvejelser i forbindelse med implementering af IFRS 16”.
Pedagogical experience/method skills/supervision

I have a broad knowledge and experience within the field of accounting and auditiong as well as controlling, M&A and valuations