
Institut for Organisation

  • Center for Organizational Research on Impact (CORI)
Megan Tobias

Kontor: KIL/14.A-4.43
megan tobias neely

I study workplace and economic inequality through the lens of gender, race, and social class. My current research investigates how gender, race, and social class influence access to earnings and capital in some of the wealthiest industries in the United States.

My recent book, entitled Hedged Out: Inequality and Insecurity on Wall Street (2022), presents an insider’s look at the inner workings of the notoriously rich and secretive U.S. hedge fund industry. The book investigates why the industry garners extreme wealth, why mostly white men benefit, and how reforming Wall Street could create a more equal society. To build on this research, I am currently conducting interviews for a comparative project on inequality in access to capital at venture capital and technology startup firms in the Silicon Valley.

My first book, Divested: Inequality in the Age of Finance (2020) with Ken-Hou Lin, demonstrates why widening inequality in the United States cannot be understood without examining the rise of big finance. We investigate how the growth of the financial sector has dramatically transformed the American economy by redistributing resources from workers and families into the hands of owners, executives, and financial professionals.
Before joining IOA in June of 2020, I was a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University’s Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab and Institute for Gender Research from 2017-2020. In 2017, I graduated with a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Texas at Austin. I pursued sociology after working as a Research Analyst for BlackRock, Inc. from 2007-2010 during the global financial crisis.

Primære forskningsområder
Gender, Race, and Social Class
Organizational Sociology 
Economic Sociology
Finance and Technology
Qualitative Methodology
Curriculum Vitae
Link til denne hjemmeside

Organizational Behavior (undergraduate)

Udvalgte publikationer

Megan Tobias Neely. 2022. Hedged Out: Inequality and Insecurity on Wall Street. Berkeley, CA: University of California . 

Megan Tobias Neely and Donna Carmichael. 2021. “Profiting on Crisis: How Predatory Financial Investors Have Worsened Inequality in the Coronavirus Crisis.” American Behavioral Scientist 65(12): 1649–1670.

Ken-Hou Lin and Megan Tobias Neely. 2020. Divested: Inequality in the Age of Finance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Megan Tobias Neely. 220. "The Portfolio Ideal Worker: Insecurity and Inequality in the New Economy"Qualitative Sociology 43: 271-296. 

Megan Tobias Neely. 2020. "What Will U.S. Labor Protections Look Like After Coronavirus?"Harvard Business Review, April 2. 

Megan Tobias Neely and Aliya Hamid Rao (Equal authorship). 2019. "What's Love Got To Do with It? Passion and Inequality at Work". Sociology Compass 13(12): 1-14. 

Megan Tobias Neely. 2018. "Fit to Be King: How Patrimonialism on Wall Street Leads to Inequality". Socio-Economic Review 16(2): 365-385. 

Ken-Hou Lin and Megan Tobias Neely. 2017. "Gender, Parental Status, and the Wage Premium for Working in Finance"Social Currents 4(6): 535-555. 


Publikationer sorteret efter:
Megan Tobias Neely / Crisis, Patrimonialism, and the Spirit of Finance Capitalism : White Men’s Dominance in the US Hedge Fund Industry.
I: Economic Sociology: Perspectives & Conversations, Vol. 25, Nr. 3, 2024, s. 14-21
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Megan Tobias Neely / Gaslighted in the Risk Economy : How Crises Impact Inequality in the Workplace.
I: Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 53, Nr. 2, 3.2024, s. 112-116
Anmeldelse > peer review
Caitlyn Collins; Megan Tobias Neely; Shamus Khan / “Which Cases Do I Need?” : Constructing Cases and Observations in Qualitative Research.
I: Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 50, 2024, s. 21-40
Review artikel > peer review
Megan Tobias Neely / Accidental Feminism: Gender Parity and Selective Mobility Among India's Professional Elite by Swethaa S. Ballakrishnen
I: Acta Sociologica, Vol. 66, Nr. 3, 8.2023, s. 349-350
Megan Tobias Neely; Patrick Sheehan; Christine L. Williams / Social Inequality in High Tech : How Gender, Race, and Ethnicity Structure the World's Most Powerful Industry.
I: Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 49, 7.2023, s. 319-338
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Megan Tobias Neely / The Wager : Race, Gender, and Value in Elite Firms.
Abstract from The Economics of Intersectionality, 2023
Konferenceabstrakt til konference
Megan Tobias Neely / Hedged Out : Inequality and Insecurity on Wall Street.
Oakland, CA : University of California Press 2022, 336 s.
Bog > peer review
Megan Tobias Neely / Keep it in the Family : Inequality in Access to Capital on Wall Street.
I: Between Fault Lines and Front Lines: Shifting Power in an Unequal World. . red. /Katja Hujo; Maggie Carter. London : Bloomsbury Academic 2022, s. 62-79
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Megan Tobias Neely / Best Practice : Management Consulting and the Ethics of Financialization in China.
I: Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 50, Nr. 3, 5.2021, s. 219-221
Anmeldelse > peer review
Megan Tobias Neely; Donna Carmichael / Profiting on Crisis : How Predatory Financial Investors Have Worsened Inequality in the Coronavirus Crisis.
I: American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 65, Nr. 12, 11.2021, s. 1649-1670
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
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