
Institut for Organisation

  • WETO – Work, Expertise, Technology and Organization
Erik Mygind
du Plessis

Kontor: KIL/14.A-4.77
E-mail: emdp.ioa@cbs.dk

My research revolves around the entanglements between subject and power in contemporary organization, which I have studied in a variety of different empirical settings including oil rigs, coffee shops, retail banks, surgery wards, prepper-forums and self-help books. I am particularly interested in dynamics of freedom and co-optation, which I have explored in relation to self-practices such as mindfulness meditation and organizational infrastructures of critique such as whistleblowing hotlines. My more recent research inquires focus on emerging modes of organizational subjectivity related to notions of nature and sustainability as well as the neurobiologically informed forms of organizing and selfhood associated with the introduction of portable EEG-scanners into organizations. Theoretically, I combine an engagement with classic and contemporary organization studies with a wider interest in post-structural theory, pragmatic sociology, new materialism and critical theory.  

Primære forskningsområder

•    Organizational subjectivity
•    Organizational criticism and resistance
•    Self-practices
•    Alternative organization
•    Mindfulness
•    Whistleblowing hotlines

Curriculum Vitae
Link til denne hjemmeside

•    Organisationsteori, HA(fil)
•    Organisationsanalyse, HA(almen)

Udvalgte publikationer

•    du Plessis, E. M., & Just, S. N. (2023). Professional resonance: Role conflict, identity work, and well-being in Danish retail banking. International Journal of Human Resource Management. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2023.2243805

•    du Plessis, E. M., & Just, S. N. (2022). Mindfulness—it’s not what you think: Toward critical reconciliation with progressive self-development practices. Organization, 29(1), 209–221. https://doi.org/10.1177/1350508421995755

•    Dahlman, S., Mygind du Plessis, E., Husted, E., & Just, S. N. (2022). Alternativity as freedom: Exploring tactics of emergence in alternative forms of organizing. Human Relations, 75(10), 1961–1985. https://doi.org/10.1177/00187267221080124

•    du Plessis, E. M. (2022). Speaking truth through power: Conceptualizing internal whistleblowing hotlines with Foucault’s dispositive. Organization, 29(4), 544–576. https://doi.org/10.1177/1350508420984019

•    du Plessis, E. M., & Vandeskog, B. (2020). Other stories of resilient safety management in the Norwegian offshore sector: Resilience engineering, bullshit and the de-politicization of danger. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 36(1), 101096.

Publikationer sorteret efter:
Erik Mygind du Plessis; Emil Husted / Prepping as Implicit Activism : Risk, Danger, and Post-capitalist Imaginaries in Prepper Literature.
I: Social Movements Studies, 3.5.2024
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Erik Mygind du Plessis; Sine Nørholm Just / Professional Resonance : Role Conflict, Identity Work, and Well-being in Danish Retail Banking.
I: International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 35, Nr. 3, 2.2024, s. 454-482
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Jette Sandager; Erik Mygind du Plessis / (U)lykkeligt landshold? : Om transformationsledelse, happy objects og fodbold.
I: Transformationens politik: Ledelse af tidens udfordringer. . red. /Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen; Dorthe Pedersen; Erik Mygind du Plessis; Jette Sandager. København : Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne 2023, s. 143-154
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Erik Mygind du Plessis / Mindful co-optations? : Exploring the Responses of Mindfulness Teachers to the Risk of Co-optation.
I: Organization, 30.11.2023
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Emil Husted; Sine Nørholm Just; Erik Mygind du Plessis; Sara Dahlman / The Communicative Constitution of Atomization : Online Prepper Communities and the Crisis of Collective Action.
I: Journal of Communication, Vol. 73, Nr. 4, 8.2023, s. 368-381
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen (Redaktør) ; Dorthe Pedersen (Redaktør) ; Erik Mygind du Plessis (Redaktør) ; Jette Sandager (Redaktør) / Transformationens politik : Ledelse af tidens udfordringer.
København : Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne 2023, 271 s.
Antologi > peer review
Sine Nørholm Just; Erik Mygind du Plessis / #Wegotthis : Queer Parrhesia in the Register of Parodic Paranoia.
I: Culture and Organization, Vol. 28, Nr. 5, 9.2022, s. 412-428
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Sara Dahlman; Erik Mygind du Plessis; Emil Husted; Sine Nørholm Just / Alternativity as Freedom : Exploring Tactics of Emergence in Alternative Forms of Organizing.
I: Human Relations, Vol. 75, Nr. 10, 10.2022, s. 1961-1985
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Erik Mygind du Plessis; Emil Husted / Five Challenges for Prefiguration Research : A Sympathetic Polemic.
I: The Future Is Now: An Introduction to Prefigurative Politics. . red. /Lara Monticelli. Bristol : Bristol University Press 2022, s. 217–229 (Alternatives to Capitalism in the 21st Century)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Erik Mygind du Plessis; Sine Nørholm Just / Justifying the Bored Self : On Projective, Domestic, and Civic Boredom in Danish Retail Banking.
I: Organization, Vol. 29, Nr. 5, 9.2022, s. 917-937
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
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Universitetet på Vestlandet, Norge
Timelærer (300 hours per year)