5th Nordic Conference on Health Organization and Management

The Nordic Conference on Health Organization aims to create a forum for researchers who are interested in the organization, management and governance of the healthcare sector, primarily in the Nordic region

Torsdag, 13 januar, 2011 - 10:00 to Fredag, 14 januar, 2011 - 16:00

The Nordic Conference on Health Organization aims to create a forum for researchers who are interested in the organization, management and governance of the healthcare sector, primarily in the Nordic region

The first conference was held in Copenhagen in 2006, and since there have been successful conferences in Gothenburg and Uppsala. The Nordic conferences have been important both for the nurturing of networks among researchers interested in Nordic healthcare and for identifying shared research agendas in the field.

The conference in 2011 will explore a number of current trends in the healthcare sector and how these can be addressed by organization and management scholars. We highlight, among other things, healthcare innovation, quality assurance and preventive healthcare which will be constitute three new subthemes at the conference.



1 November 2010

Submission of abstracts

15 November 2010

Acceptance of papers

15 December 2010

Submission of full papers



1) Organizing innovation in healthcare settings. Convenors: Birthe Dinesen, Aalborg University, and Susanne Waldorff, CBS.


2) Cooperation and coordination in health care. Convenors: Janne Seemann, Aalborg University, and nn.

3) Quality and performance in healthcare. Reforms, results and management: Convenors: Maria Blomgren, Uppsala University, and Morten Knudsen, CBS

4) Healthcare policy and healthcare reforms: Convenors: Haldor Byrkjeflot, Rokkan Sentret, and Karsten Vrangbæk, Danish Institute of Governmental Research.

5) Hybrid management and leadership in healthcare organizations. Convenor: Lars Erik Kjekshus, Oslo University.

6) Organizing and managing health prevention. Convenor: Nanna Mik-Meyer, CBS


Organizers: Associate Professor Janne Seemann (Aalborg University) and Associate Professor Peter Kjær (Copenhagen Business School).

Contact Peter Kjær for further information.

Keynote speakers: To be announced

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 29/01/2013