
Institut for Strategi og Innovation


Kontor: KIL/14.A-2.83

Mark Lorenzen er lektor i Innovation, Iværksætteri og Industrial Dynamics og direktør for forskningsnetværket DRUID. Mark forsker i forholdet mellem innovation og økonomisk organisering i netværk, projekter og klynger, især inden for de kreative brancher. Han har publiceret omfattende i tidsskrifter som Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Economic Geography, Organization Studies, og Economic Geography. Han har haft succes med at tiltrække forskningsfinansiering og modtaget adskillige priser for sin forskning. Mark har udviklet og koordineret en række kurser på CBS’ cand. merc.-, cand. soc.-, HA- og PhD.-studier og har modtaget flere undervisningspriser. Han er emeritus redaktør for Industry and Innovation, senior redaktør for Management and Organization Review og sidder i reviewkomiteer for bl.a. Journal of International Business Studies og Industry and Innovation. Mark er medlem af eksekutivkomiteen i DRUID Society, er en offentlig hovedtaler og kommentator og har modtaget CBS 'pris for fremragende forskningsformidling.

Primære forskningsområder

•    Innovation
•    International business
•    Strategi
•    Økonomisk geografi
•    Organisation


Link til denne hjemmeside

•    Kursuskoordinator og underviser, "Managing Innovation", cand. merc, CBS.
•    Kursuskoordinator og underviser, "Creative Industries, Innovation and Strategy", cand. merc, CBS.
•    Kursuskoordinator og underviser, "Creative Industries, Innovation and Strategy", cand. soc, CBS.
•    Kursuskoordinator, "Project-oriented internship/anthropological field study", cand. soc, CBS.



•    PhD-vejleder ved PhD School of Economics and Management, CBS.
•    Specialevejleder, cand, merc., CBS.
•    Specialevejleder, cand, soc., CBS.
•    Praktikvejleder, cand, soc., CBS.
•    Afhandlingsvejleder, BA, CBS.

Udvalgte publikationer
  • Lorenzen, M., Mudambi, R., and Schotter, A. (2020) International connectedness and local disconnectedness: MNE strategy, city regions and disruption, Journal of International Business Studies, 51: 1199-1222.

  • Jones, C., Lorenzen, M. and Sapsed, J. (2015) The Oxford Handbook of the Creative Industries, Oxford: Oxford University Press

  • Lorenzen, M. and Mudambi, R. (2013) Clusters, Connectivity and Catch-up: Bollywood and Bangalore in the Global Economy, Journal of Economic Geography, vol. 13 no. 3: 501-534.

  • Foss, N. and Mark Lorenzen (2009) Towards an Understanding of Cognitive Coordination: Theoretical Developments and Empirical Illustrations, Organization Studies, vol. 30 no. 11: 1201-1226.

  • Lorenzen, M. and Andersen. K.V. (2009) Centrality and Creativity: Does Richard Florida’s Creative Class Offer New Insights Into Urban Hierarchy? Economic Geography, vol. 85, no. 4: 363-390.

Publikationer sorteret efter:
Kristina Vaarst Andersen; Mark Lorenzen; Agnieszka Nowinska / Scarce Resources or Damaged Goods? : On the Legitimacy of Laid‐off Workers Following MNC Failure.
I: Global Strategy Journal, Vol. 14, Nr. 3, 8.2024, s. 604-634
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Vincenzo Butticè; Chiara Franzoni; Mark Lorenzen; Cristina Rossi-Lamastra / Open Innovation in Italian High-end Fashion : An Analysis of Network Tie Formation by New Ventures.
I: Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, Vol. 50, Nr. 4, 12.2023, s. 849–875
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Mark Lorenzen; Ram Mudambi; Andreas Schotter / International Connectedness and Local Disconnectedness : MNE Strategy, City-regions and Disruption.
I: Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 51, Nr. 8, 10.2020, s. 1199-1222
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Mark Lorenzen / How Early Entrants Impact Cluster Emergence : MNEs vs. Local Firms in the Bangalore Digital Creative Industries.
I: Management and Organization Review, Vol. 15, Nr. 3, 9.2019, s. 495-531
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Kristina Vaarst Andersen; Mark Lorenzen; Agnieszka Nowinska / The Broad versus the Pointed Brush : Status Change, Stigma, and Blame Following Fast Organizational Failure.
Paper presented at DRUID19 Conference, 2019
Paper > peer review
Agnieszka Nowinska; Kristina Vaarst Andersen; Mark Lorenzen / The Broad vs. the Pointed Brush : Status Change, Stigma and Blame Following Fast Organizational Failure.
Paper presented at DRUID18 Conference, 2018
Paper > peer review
Mark Lorenzen / The Geography of the Creative Industries : Theoretical Stocktaking and Empirical Illustration.
I: The New Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography. red. /Gordon L. Clark; Maryann P. Feldman; Meric S. Gertler; Dariusz Wójcik. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2018, s. 305-323
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Thomas Riis; Niels Breining; Martin Gormsen; Søren Sandfeld Jakobsen; Mark Lorenzen; Anker Brink Lund; Katrine Schlüter Schierbeck; Peter Schønning / Fremtidens danske indholdsproduktion : Udvalget om finansiering af dansk digital indholdsproduktion .
København : Kulturministeriet 2017, 118 s.
Mark Lorenzen; Ram Mudambi / Clusters and Global Innovation : The Role of Connectedness and Connectivity.
I: The Handbook of Global Science, Technology, and Innovation. red. /Andrea Filippetti; Daniele Archibugi. Chichester : Wiley 2015, s. 216-227
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Candace Jones; Mark Lorenzen; Jonathan Sapsed / Creative Industries : A Typology of Change.
I: The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries. red. /Candace Jones; Mark Lorenzen; Jonathan Sapsed. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2015, s. 3-30
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Flere resultater ...(i alt 91 )
Year Name of contractual partner Type of activity
2018 - 2020 SNYK (the National Genre Organization for Contemporary and Experimental Music and Sound Art in Denmark), Ministry of Culture Member of the Board of Directors
2018 - 2020 Danish Radio and Television Board, Danish Agency for Culture Board member
2018 - 2020 Have Communications Member of the Board of Directors
2021 - 2023 Art Music Denmark Member of the Board of Directors