
Department of Digitalization

Stig Strandbæk

Room: HOW/60-5.sal
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Publications sorted by:
Olivia Benfeldt; Sine Zambach; Stig Nyman; Maren Gierlich-Joas / Data Diplomacy as Governance Practice
In: Proceedings of the 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). ed. /Michel Avital; Elena Karahanna; Marinos Themistocleous; Ioanna Constantiou; Brian Fitzgerald; Stefan Seidel. Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2024 (Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems)
Article in proceedings > peer review
Stig Nyman; Olivia Benfeldt; Maren Gierlich-Joas; Christoffer Bagger; Sine Zambach; Andreas Blicher; Somnath Mazumdar; Jacob Nørbjerg; Mads Bødker; José Parra-Moyano; Tina Blegind Jensen; Torkil Clemmensen / From Algorithmic Management to Data-driven Labour Organising : A Trade Union Approach to Workplace Datafication.
In: Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 36, No. 1, 7.2024, p. 13-38
Journal article > peer review
Stig Strandbæk Nyman; Mads Bødker; Tina Blegind Jensen / Reforming Work Patterns or Negotiating Workloads? : Exploring Alternative Pathways for Digital Productivity Assistants through a Problematization Lens.
In: Journal of Information Technology, 30.5.2023
Journal article > peer review
Stig Nyman / The Birth of AI-driven Nudges
In: Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. ed. /Tung X. Bui. Honolulu : Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2023, p. 5252-5261 (Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences)
Article in proceedings
Stig Strandbæk Nyman / The Birth of Algorithmic Aspirational Control
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2023, 145 p. (PhD Series, No. 36.2023)
PhD thesis
Stig Nyman Christiansen; Mads Bødker; Tina Blegind Jensen; Marius Gudmand-Høyer / Exploring the Archive : A Problematization Lens for Conducting Critical IS Research.
In: Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). ed. /Anitesh Barua; Ryan Wright; Atreyi Kankanhalli; Xitong Li; Shaila Miranda. Atlanta, GA : Association for Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) 2021 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems)
Article in proceedings > peer review

Department of Management, Society and Communication

  • Centre for Business and Development Studies (CBDS)

Room: DH.Ø.2.108
Henrik Gundelach
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Publications sorted by:
Michael Hedegaard; Anne Sofie Westh Olsen; Henrik Gundelach; Michael W. Hansen / An Institutional Analysis of Changing Diabetes in Children (CDiC)
Abstract from ISPAD's 49th Annual Conference, 2023
Conference abstract for conference > peer review
Michael Hedegaard; Anne Sofie Westh Olsen; Henrik Gundelach; Michael W. Hansen / An Institutional Analysis of Changing Diabetes in Children (CDiC)
Poster session presented at ISPAD's 49th Annual Conference, 2023, 1 p.
Poster > peer review
Michael Hedegaard; Henrik Gundelach; Michael W. Hansen / MNCs' Philanthropic Activities in Developing Countries : Impact Assessment by Social Return on Investment.
Paper presented at 49th Conference of the European International Business Academy , 2023
Paper > peer review
Henrik Gundelach; Bo Bernhard Nielsen / Subsidiary Performance Measurement in International Business Research : A Systematic Review and Future Directions.
In: Journal of Business Research, Vol. 169, 12.2023
Review article > peer review
Michael W. Hansen; Henrik Gundelach; Erik Thomas Johnson / The Business Case for the Sustainable Development Goals : An Empirical Analysis of 21 Danish Companies' Engagement with the SDGs.
Frederiksberg : Centre for Business and Development Studies 2022, 33 p. (CBDS Working Paper, No. 2022/2)
Working paper
Michael W. Hansen; Henrik Gundelach; Michael Hedegaard / Why Is MNC Subsidiary Performance Better in Challenging Business Environments?
Paper presented at 48th EIBA Annual Conference 2022, 2022
Paper > peer review
Henrik Gundelach / Performance Determinants : An Investigation of the Relationship between Resources, Experience and Performance in Challenging Business Environments.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2021, 241 p. (PhD Series, No. 29.2021)
PhD thesis
Henrik Gundelach; Michael W. Hansen / Overcoming the Double Whammy of Liability of Foreignness and Industry Outsidership : The Role of Financial Intermediaries in Opening Africa to Institutional Investors.
Paper presented at 46th EIBA Annual Conference 2020 (Online), 2020
Paper > peer review
Henrik Gundelach; Michael W. Hansen / The Dynamics of Entry Mode Choice in Challenging Business Environments : An Exploratory Study of Medium Sized Exporters' Entry into Africa.
In: International Journal of Export Marketing, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2020, p. 174-203
Journal article > peer review
Michael W. Hansen; Henrik Gundelach / Turning the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into Business Opportunities : Learnings from the Danish Industries project "From Philanthropy to Business" 2018-2020.
København : Industriens Fond 2020, 40 p.
More results... (total 17 results)

Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • Governance, Culture & Learning Unit
Luisa Teresa Hedler

Room: POR/18.B-4.131
Luisa Hedler
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Publications sorted by:
Luisa Hedler / Risk and Danger in the Introduction of Algorithms to Courts : A Comparative Framework Between EU and Brazil.
In: Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 18.1.2024
Journal article > peer review
Dorothea Endres; Luisa Hedler; Kebene Wodajo / Bias in Social Media Content Management : What do Human Rights Have to do With it?.
In: AJIL Unbound, Vol. 117, 2023, p. 139-144
Journal article > peer review
Luisa Hedler / Time, Law, and Tech : The Introduction of Algorithms to Courts of Law.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2023, 208 p. (PhD Series, No. 17.2023)
PhD thesis
Luisa Hedler / Transformation af retten gennem algoritmer : Effektivitet og tid.
In: Transformationens politik: Ledelse af tidens udfordringer. . ed. /Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen; Dorthe Pedersen; Erik Mygind du Plessis; Jette Sandager. København : Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne 2023, p. 73-84
Book chapter > peer review
Luisa Hedler / Algorithms, Efficiency and the Two Faces of Courts : A Case Study of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (STJ).
In: Soziale Systeme, Vol. 26, No. 1-2, 2022, p. 370-395
Journal article > peer review
Luisa Teresa Hedler Ferreira; Maj Grasten / Law’s Lolita Paradox : Translating ‘Childhood’ in Statutory Rape Jurisprudence.
In: Australian Feminist Law Journal, Vol. 47, No. 2, 2021, p. 229-249
Journal article > peer review
Cristina Luisa Hedler; Luisa Hedler / Liderança das Mulheres na Administração Pública
In: O Poder Feminino: Entre percursos e desafios. . ed. /Herta Rani Teles Santos; Juliana Pita Guimarães. Belo Horizonte : Arraes 2021
Book chapter > peer review

Department of Organization

  • Centre for Organization and Time (COT)
Sunny Mosangzi

Room: KIL/14.A-3.50
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Publications sorted by:
Sunny Mosangzi Xu; Paul R. Carlile / Agency, Action, and Time : A Relational Approach to Routine Dynamics in a World in Flux.
In: Routine Dynamics: Organizing in a World in Flux. . ed. /Christian A. Mahringer; Brian T. Pentland; Birgit Renzl; Kathrin Sele; Paul Spee. Leeds : Emerald Group Publishing 2024, p. 245-269 (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 88)
Book chapter > peer review
Sunny Mosangzi Xu; Marcel L. A. M. Bogers / Imperfections-as-practice : Projects as Becoming Processes of Imperfections.
In: Project Management Journal, Vol. 55, No. 2, 4.2024, p. 151-166
Journal article > peer review
Susanne Beck; Marcel LaFlamme; Carsten Bergenholtz; Marcel Bogers; Tiare Brasseur; Marie Louise Conradsen; Kevin Crowston; Diletta Di Marco; Agnes Effert; Despoina Filiou; Lars Frederiksen; Thomas Gillier; Marc Gruber; Carolin Haeussler; Karin Hoisl; Olga Kokshagina; Maria-Theresa Norn; Marion Poetz; Gernot Pruschak; Laia Pujol Priego; Agnieszka Radziwon; Alexander Ruser; Henry Sauermann; Sonali K. Shah; Julia Süss-Reyes; Christopher L. Tucci; Philipp Tuertscher; Jane Bjørn Vedel; Roberto Verganti; Jonathan Wareham; Sunny Mosangzi Xu / Examining Open Innovation in Science (OIS) : What Open Innovation Can and Cannot Offer the Science of Science.
In: Innovation: Organization & Management, Vol. 25, No. 3, 8.2023, p. 221-235
Journal article > peer review
Dror Etzion; Raghu Garud; Sylvia Grewatsch; Gail Whiteman; Juliane Reinecke; Miriam Feuls; Sunny Mosangzi Xu / The Role of Temporality in Innovating with Nature
In: Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Putting the Worker Front and Center. . ed. /Sonia Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2023, 6 p. (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Sunny Mosangzi Xu; Marcel Bogers / An Imperfect Perfect Project Process in Research and Innovation
In: Proceedings of the Eighty-second Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management . ed. /Sonja Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2022, 1 p., p. 1705 (Academy of Management Proceedings)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Susanne Beck; Carsten Bergenholtz; Marcel Bogers; Tiare Brasseur; Maria Louise Conradsen; Diletta Di Marco; Andreas Philipp Distel; Leonhard Dobusch; Daniel Dörler; Agnes Effert; Benedikt Fecher; Despoina Filiou; Lars Frederiksen; Thomas Gillier; Christoph Grimpe; Marc Gruber; Carolin Haeussler; Florian Heigl; Karin Hoisl; Katie Hyslop; Olga Kokshagina; Marcel LaFlamme; Cornelia Lawson; Hila Lifshitz-Assaf; Wolfgang Lukas; Markus Nordberg; Maria-Theresa Norn; Marion Poetz; Marisa Ponti; Gernot Pruschak; Laia Pujol Priego; Agnieszka Radziwon; Janet Frances Rafner; Gergana Petrova Romanova; Alexander Ruser; Henry Sauermann; Sonali K. Shah; Jacob Friis Sherson; Julia Suess-Reyes; Christopher L. Tucci; Philipp Tuertscher; Jane Bjørn Vedel; Theresa Velden; Roberto Verganti; Jonathan Wareham; Andrea Wiggins; Sunny Mosangzi Xu / The Open Innovation in Science Research Field : A Collaborative Conceptualisation Approach.
In: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2.2022, p. 136-185
Journal article > peer review
Sunny Mosangzi Xu; Ghita Dragsdahl Lauritzen / Understanding Organizational Boundaries in an Interorganizational Context
In: Proceedings of the Eighty-second Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management . ed. /Sonja Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2022, 1 p., p. 3803 (Academy of Management Proceedings)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Davide Viaggi; Cristina Barrera; María Luisa Castelló; Marco Dalla Rosa; Ana Heredia; Timothy J. Hobley; Christoph F. Knöbl; Valentina C. Materia; Sunny Mosangzi Xu; Gergana Romanova; Silvia Russo; Lucía Seguí; Nanna Viereck / Education for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Food System : The Erasmus+ BoostEdu Approach and Results.
In: Current Opinion in Food Science, Vol. 42, 12.2021, p. 157-166
Review article > peer review

Department of Management, Society and Communication

  • Centre for Sustainability

Room: DH.Ø.2.62
Alice Pizzo
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Publications sorted by:
Toke Reinholt Fosgaard; Alice Pizzo; Sally Sadoff / Do People Respond to the Climate Impact of Their Behavior? : The Effect of Carbon Footprint Information on Grocery Purchases.
In: Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 87, No. 7, 7.2024, p. 1847-1886
Journal article > peer review
Alice Pizzo; Toke Reinholt Fosgaard; Beverly B. Tyler; Karin Beukel / Information Acquisition and Cognitive Processes during Strategic Decision-Making : Combining a Policy-Capturing Study with Eye-Tracking Data.
In: PLOS ONE, Vol. 17, No. 12, 1.12.2022
Journal article > peer review
Toke Reinholt Fosgaard; Alice Pizzo; Sally Sadoff / Sustained Decline in Tobacco Purchasing in Denmark during the COVID-19 Pandemic
In: Communications Medicine, Vol. 2, No. 1, 12.2022
Journal article > peer review

Department of Management, Society and Communication

  • Centre for Sustainability

Angelos Stamos
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Publications sorted by:
Albina Dioba; Amalia Giannakopoulou; David Struthers; Angelos Stamos; Siegfried Dewitte; Isabel Fróes / Identifying Key Barriers to Joining an Energy Community Using AHP
In: Energy, Vol. 299, 15.7.2024
Journal article > peer review
Yunxin Liu; Angelos Stamos; Siegfried Dewitte; Zeph M. C. van Berlo; Laura N. van der Laan / Development and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Puzzle Game to Decrease Food Intake : Randomized Controlled Trial.
In: JMIR Serious Games, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1.2022
Journal article > peer review
Junhua Dang; Paul Barker; Anna Baumert; Margriet Bentvelzen; Elliot Berkman; Nita Buchholz; Jacek Buczny; Zhansheng Chen; Valeria De Cristofaro; Lianne de Vries; Siegfried Dewitte; Mauro Giacomantonio; Ran Gong; Maaike Homan; Roland Imhoff; Ismaharif Ismail; Lile Jia; Thomas Kubiak; Florian Lange; Dan Yang Li; Jordan Livingston; Rita Ludwig; Angelo Panno; Joshua Pearman; Niklas Rassi; Helgi B. Schiöth; Manfred Schmitt; A. Timur Sevincer; Jiaxin Shi; Angelos Stamos; Yia Chin Tan; Mario Wenzel; Oulmann Zerhouni; Li Wei Zhang; Yi Jia Zhang; Axel Zinkernagel / A Multilab Replication of the Ego Depletion Effect
In: Social Psychological and Personality Science, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1.2021, p. 14-24
Journal article > peer review
Angelos Stamos; Jack McLaughlin; Sabrina Bruyneel; Siegfried Dewitte / A Preregistered Study of the Relationship between Childhood Socioeconomic Background, Life History Strategies and Conformity
In: Journal of Research in Personality, Vol. 92, 6.2021
Journal article > peer review
Angelos Stamos; Florian Lange; Szu chi Huang; Siegfried Dewitte / Having Less, Giving More? Two Preregistered Replications of the Relationship between Social Class and Prosocial Behavior
In: Journal of Research in Personality, Vol. 84, 2.2020
Journal article > peer review
Angelos Stamos; Efthymios Altsitsiadis; Siegfried Dewitte / Investigating the Effect Childhood Socioeconomic Background on Interpersonal Trust : Lower Childhood Socioeconomic Status Predicts Lower Levels of Trust.
In: Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 145, 15.7.2019, p. 19-25
Journal article > peer review
Angelos Stamos; Florian Lange; Siegfried Dewitte / Promoting Healthy Drink Choices at School by Means of Assortment Changes and Traffic Light Coding : A Field Study.
In: Food Quality and Preference, Vol. 71, 1.2019, p. 415-421
Journal article > peer review
Angelos Stamos; Sabrina Bruyneel; Bram De Rock; Laurens Cherchye; Siegfried Dewitte / A Dual-process Model of Decision-making : The Symmetric Effect of Intuitive and Cognitive Judgments on Optimal Budget Allocation.
In: Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, Vol. 11, No. 1, 3.2018, p. 1-27
Journal article > peer review
Angelos Stamos; Hannelore Goddyn; Andreas Andronikidis; Siegfried Dewitte / Pre-exposure to Tempting Food Reduces Subsequent Snack Consumption in Healthy-weight but Not in Obese-weight Individuals
In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 9, 2018
Journal article > peer review

Department of Strategy and Innovation


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Department of Strategy and Innovation


Room: KIL/14.A-3.74
Johannes Ross
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Publications sorted by:
Andreas Lange; Johannes Ross / Internalizing Match-dependent Externalities
In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 218, 2.2024, p. 356-378
Journal article > peer review
Andreas Lange; Rania Miniesy; Andreas Nicklisch; Dina Rabie; Olaf Bock; Johannes Ross / Sharing Norms and Negotiations Across Cultures : Experimental Interactions within and between Egypt and Germany.
In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 210, 6.2023, p. 412-440
Journal article > peer review
Johannes Ross; Vera Rocha; Tom Grad; Jörg Claussen / The Hidden Costs of the Sharing Economy : Tax Dishonesty by Airbnb Hosts.
Paper presented at DRUID23 Conference, 2023
Paper > peer review

Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • Centre for Business History
  • Entrepreneurship, Ethics & Leadership Unit

Room: POR/18.B-3.22
Adam Frost
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Publications sorted by:
Adam Frost; Zeren Li / Markets under Mao : Measuring Underground Activity in the Early PRC.
In: China Quarterly, Vol. 258, 6.2024, p. 309-328
Journal article > peer review
Shuang L. Frost; Adam K. Frost / Taxi Shanghai : Entrepreneurship and Semi-Colonial Context.
In: Business History, Vol. 66, No. 2, 2024, p. 407-436
Journal article > peer review
Adam Frost / History from the Dustbins
In: Enterprise & Society, Vol. 24, No. 4, 12.2023, p. 965-976
Journal article > peer review
Adam K. Frost / Entrepreneurial Strategies in Extractive Environments
In: Proceedings of the Eighty-second Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. ed. /Sonja Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2022, 1 p., p. 2119 (Academy of Management Proceedings)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Adam K. Frost / Reframing Chinese Business History
In: Business History Review, Vol. 96, No. 2, 2022, p. 245-287
Journal article > peer review

Department of Business Humanities and Law

  • Entrepreneurship, Ethics & Leadership Unit

Room: POR/18.B-3.134a
Caroline Demeyere
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Publications sorted by:
Florence Villesèche; Caroline Julie Demeyere; Flora Antoniazzi / Denmark's DEI Consulting Landscape : Where Ethical Values Meet Market Realities.
Frederiksberg : Department of Business, Humanities and Law 2024, 44 p.
Laëtitia Lethielleux; Caroline Demeyère; Amélie Artis; Martine Vézina; Jean-Pierre Girard / Nonprofits and Community Resilience During a Pandemic : A France-Quebec Perspective.
In: Management Decision, 29.7.2024
Journal article > peer review
Caroline Julie Demeyere / Construire un paradigme d’action publique post-NPM : Approche ethnographique d’une collaboration gouvernements-associations.
In: Gestion et management public, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2023, p. 71-88
Journal article > peer review
Caroline Julie Demeyere; Marie Northeved; Emily Louise Thorsson Schöller / Managing Resistance to EDI Work From Clients : Strategies of EDI Consultants in Denmark.
In: Proceedings of the Eighty-third Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. ed. /Sonia Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2023, 1 p. (Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Caroline Julie Demeyere / Articulating the Regulation Logics in Governments-nonprofits Collaboration
In: Proceedings of the Eighty-second Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management . ed. /Sonja Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2022, 1 p., p. 1608 (Academy of Management Proceedings)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Caroline Julie Demeyere / Construire la collaboration gouvernements-associations pour atteindre les objectifs de développement durable : Enjeux, pratiques et défis pour le management public.
In: Vie & sciences de l'entreprise, No. 2-3 (214-215), 2022, p. 211-235
Journal article > peer review
Caroline Julie Demeyere; Stéphanie Havet-Laurent; Damien Richard / L’innovation sociale en contexte de crise : Le cas des associations du spectacle vivant .
In: Entreprise & Société, Vol. 2022-2, No. 12, 2022, p. 131-152
Journal article > peer review
Nathalie Bitbol-Saba; Caroline Julie Demeyere / Managing Gender Role Conflicts in Interactions with Clients : Women's Experiences in PSFs.
In: Proceedings of the Eighty-second Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management . ed. /Sonja Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2022, 1 p., p. 1590 (Academy of Management Proceedings)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Caroline Julie Demeyere; Stéphanie Havet-Laurent; Damien Richard / Gestion publique de la crise de la Covid-19 dans le secteur culturel : Perception des dispositifs publics et bien-être au travail dans les associations du spectacle vivant.
In: Gestion et management public, Vol. 94, No. 4, 2021, p. 111-118
Journal article > peer review
