Drivers and Barriers for Employee Ownership: Why is the United States in a positive circle while Denmark is not?

New article by Professor Niels Mygind

Niels Mygind

Drivers and barriers for employee ownership vary between countries because of differences in politics, institutions, and economy. By analyzing this variation, the paper aims to explain why employee ownership has developed fast in US and not in Denmark.

The drivers and barriers for employee ownership are identified from the scientific literature, and the main societal dynamics are identified through the PIE-model covering the dynamics between Politics, Institutional change and the Economy. Politics focuses on different social groups influencing the development of institutions driving or hindering employee ownership in the economy.

Findings: US has followed a self-enforcing circle with broad political support of “shared capitalism” including ESOP-type of employee ownership. In Denmark, the labor movement rejected worker cooperatives as a main strategy and focused on building up the welfare state. Center-right parties favored employee stocks, but the institutional framework never overcame the barriers for employee ownership.

This is the first study to perform an analysis of politics, institutional change and economic development to explain drivers and barriers for employee ownership and to make a comparison between the development of employee ownership in US and Denmark.