Prize given to Senior lecture, cand.polit. J.C. Ry Nielsen

CBS Award of Honor goes to Ry Nielsen for his yearlong engagement in among other things the MPA-program


Senior lecture, cand.polit. J. C. Ry Nielsen is the happy receiver of the newly established CBS Award of Honor. The prize was presented at the Annual Celebration and is given to him due to his yearlong effort renewing CBS programs and teaching methods pedagogically.

The MPA program

Especially, Ry Nielsen’s work on the MPA program is highlighted, since the program from the very beginning has been a great success and has attracted many participants.

The pedagogical area of interest

Concerning the field of pedagogics, Ry Nielsen has worked especially with topics like participant-oriented teaching, the development of “the reflective practician" and the establishment of CBS in a international pedagogical context.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 25/04/2005