Conference on owner-management: Stronger leadership & successful change of ownership

Join when the Centre for Owner-managed Businesses welcomes you this year's conference on owner-management on June 4, 2019, at. 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.


Stronger leadership & succesful change of ownership

Ejerledelse – Stærkere lederskab & bedre ejerskifte

Tuesday June 4  2pm-6pm (incl. networking)

The owner's role in the company is something very special. Research shows that there are a number of strengths associated with the close relationship between manager and company in owner-managed businesses. But there are also challenges. On this year's conference The Centre for Owner-managed Businesses will focus on the owner-manager's management and personal clarification in connection with transfer of ownership.

We focus on the owner's affiliation with the business, and what it means for the role as a manager. And then we look more closely at the personal barriers that owner-managers can experience in relation to planning the transfer of ownership.

We present our latest research in the field and introduce the tool "Ejerskiftebarometeret" (The ownership barometer), which can help owner-managers become clarified about their own attachment to the company and get well started with the change of ownership.

Both owner-managers, advisors and researchers will be present to discuss latest research and the use of knowledge and tools for management and personal clarification for the owner-manager. 
The conference will be in Danish.

Sign up before May 28
Participation is free of charge. Note that the conference will be in Danish.

Download the  PROGRAM here

Time and place:
June 4, 2019 at 2:00 pm-6:00 pm (incl. networking)
Ovnhallen, Porcelænshaven 20
Copenhagen Business School
2000 Frederiksberg

Sidst opdateret: Centre for Owner-Managed Businesses // 08/10/2019