New EU grant to cbsCSR project

The IDEFICSfamily research project has been awarded a grant within the FP7 program


Professor Lucia Reisch, part of the IDEFICSfamily proposal, was happy to announce that the project won the competition, which means a new big (9 Mio EUR) grant from the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme. Part of the project will be anchored at IKL/cbsCSR and will start in autumn 2011. The project won the neck-and-neck race as the number one of ALL applications with 14 of 15 possible points!

Lucia Reisch is Professor with CBS' Department of Intercultural Communication and Management and is affiliated with CBS' Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility. Read more about the IDEFICS project here.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/10/2012