Launch of CBS Sustainability

On Monday, December 3rd, a new centre was officially launched at Copenhagen Business School’s Management, Society & Communications department (MSC), located in Dalgas Have


With over 200 sign-ups from CBS and beyond, CBS Sustainability officially launched in Dalgas Have's biggest auditory on Monday, 3rd December. After a warm welcome by Dorte Salkov-Iversen, Steen Vallentin (centre director) held the first speech about the new centre: Its quasi-predecessors cbsCSR, the centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, and BiS, the Business in Society Platform. As one of two guest speakers, Henrik Schramm Rasmussen from Danish Industry talked about the UN SDGs as valuable business driver. Introduced by Lucia Reisch, the second guest and holder of the Holberg Prize Cass Sunstein shared experiences form his role as head of the Office of Information and Regulatory affairs under B. Obama, considerations of eco-labels and why cost-benefit analysis has big potential for climate change action. The event was rounded up with the youth perspective: Sara Biscaia and Emma Ager Jønbech, representing the Sustainability Influencers, shed light on their thoughts about climate change, education and business action. A particularly important view, since theirs is the generation to deal with the decisions of today.