CSR Dialogue Day for students - Copenhagen

Learn about CSR from KPMG and Maersk and win tickets to CSR Awards 2011

Mandag, 19 september, 2011 - 16:00 to 20:00

Would you like to learn more about corporate social responsibility (CSR) from speakers from KPMG and Maersk and win free tickets to this year’s biggest CSR conference (with Al Gore!) and Awards show?

The newly formed CSR Foundation wishes to promote better communication and a closer partnership between students and the business sector in the area of CSR.

With this aim in mind, the CSR Foundation are initiating a CSR tour to a number of Denmark's universities in September where students are invited to an afternoon with lectures, discussions and workshops, an event which we have called CSR Dialogue Day.

In collaboration with the University of Copenhagen, the Technical University of Denmark and CBS, the Tour will visit Copenhagen on 19 September. Speakers from KPMG, Maersk and 360° Students for Sustainability, who are among the nominees for the 2011 CSR Student Award, will be there. During the session you will have the opportunity to discuss major local and global CSR challenges and to hear about how the business sector is tackling ethical business dilemmas.

CSR Dialogue Day is part of the run-up to the CSR Awards 2011, which will bring together new as well as established CSR prizes for the first time in order to highlight and recognize Danish companies' and individuals’ work within the area of sustainability and social responsibility. The CSR Awards will take place on 29 September in Sønderborg, and the programme includes a conference with prominent international speakers - including Al Gore - and the awards show in the evening. And if you participate in CSR Dialogue Day, you will also have the chance of winning two tickets to the CSR Awards (worth DKK 4,500 each)!

Where and when

Monday, 19 September from 16:00 – 20:00 in room SP113 (IBM auditorium), Solbjerg Plads, Copenhagen Business School


Click here to register (limited space, deadline for registration on 15 September) and visit the Facebook page to see the programme.

Further information

For more about the CSR Awards, click here www.csrfonden.dk.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/10/2012